Friday, May 18, 2007

My new toy

I got a surprise present from BB the other night. It was a slim and cool Nokia 6300 mobile phone. My old phone was close enough to be declared a museum exhibit, and although I had been toying with the idea of getting a new phone, I never got around to actually buying one. Partly because I quite like my old phone - it is a very old model, but it works well for someone who only uses a phone for calling and receiving calls; partly because I dread all the hassle in switching phones, you know, the profile setting, the contact list updating, etc.

Having said that, I was still pleasantly surprised to find the little retangular box on the bed covered by the duvet. The last thing you expect to see on your bed when you jump into it is a new mobile phone right?

For a person who hates surprises, BB has pulled it off perfectly this time.