Wednesday, March 28, 2007





工作自身從來沒有給我滿足感,我的滿足感來自有工作的後果 -- 每月月底那份不太少但又不太多的薪水 -- 以及那份薪水可以為我帶來的有機快樂農場蛋漂亮衣服酒店晚膳出國旅遊罐頭貓糧乾洗找卡數做善事交稅助養兒童買東西給父母請朋友吃飯買匯豐股票對沖基金等等等等。

工作雖然規限了我時間上的自由,但它能帶給我物慾上的自主。而這種物慾自主帶給我安全感 -- 知道自己有賺錢的能力,戶口定時有進帳,一旦發生什麽事情自己也可照顧自己和身邊的人 -- 這種感覺使我睡得安穩。


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Object of my desire

Have you ever had this feeling that you REALLY REALLY want something, and you want it so badly that you are willing to kill your family and pimp your dog/cat/turtle/goldfish in order to get it?

Lately I have been thinking and dreaming about this gorgeous thing day and night and I just could not stop myself.

Damn I wasn't in the UK right now, otherwise you would have found me camping outside Sainsbury already.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I am a happy bunny**

This has been a good week.

I worked from home two days this week and it has not been all that busy. Happy days.

BB and I went to this place for dinner on his birthday. I do not need to tell you how excellent the food tasted, how impeccable the service was, how we were impressed by the presentation of the dishes, how beautiful the Victoria Harbour and the night of Central became when overlooked from the window-side table on the 25th floor, and of course how I had a mild heart attach when the bill arrived. BB was very pleased, and so was I. Another happy day.

This morning I got up early, did two loads of laundry, read a gossip magazine, and came up with new 5-year plan which I wasn't sure if I could stick to. But I feel happy enough just to think about it.

When you are happy, the world looks pretty. Even the smog and drizzle doesn't bother you anymore.

Currently playing: Anne-Sophie Mutter, Mozart Piano Trios K.502, 542, 548

**The drugs I have just taken clearly have some side effects on me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

The book of answers

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." --- Joshua 1:9

When I thought of you, this scripture came to mind.

Monday, March 19, 2007





Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cap nap

The most peaceful moment of my day.

I have been working from home the last few days due to my illness, and it was great news to the cats, who are overly affectionate and love to stick to you up close and personal all the time. With these two little creatures at home, very often I feel a lot like a mother caring for two babies (except that these two babies eat funny smelling dry food and shed their hair a lot).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


伯伯下禮拜生日,但我仍然未想到應和他到哪裏慶祝。一直想訂座Agnes b Bistro,但每次打電話去,不是沒人接聼,就是説訂座最快也要下個月才有位(這麽誇張?)。Suggestions anyone?

過去6星期,身體差得不得了,又傷風又感冒,又食物中毒,弄到自己非常anti-social,很多朋友聚會也去不到,幾個朋友的生日也錯過了。現在打blog時也有點點頭暈,唉。已經再次join了California Fitness(對上一次join是3年前,後期覺得太多人所以退了會),希望多做運動身體真的會好起來。

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mille-feuille, anyone?

It's been a tough week at work, for both BB and I.

That's why I am most excited about our gals' night tomorrow. The food and drink and gossips and laughters will do enough repair to my tiredness and stress and headache.

Life is good when you have something to look forward to.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


今天與一班法國人,台灣人,及大陸人開會。 (這個組合,是律師最大的惡夢)





從香港去深圳,2小時。開會4小時。從深圳回香港,2小時。 回家後在開電話會議,2小時。然後再上網看公司電郵,3小時。
