Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Here comes the day...

...when I blow out candles and make my wish.

1. World peace (very Miss Universe I know, but seriously, who doesn't want it?)
2. All animals, big and small, can live happily everafter; and people will start to understand that these creatures are to be loved, not abused.
3. A greener Hong Kong.
4. Peace and joy and health for all my loved ones.
5. My family's Salvation.

Thank you for all your SMS and FaceBook messages, emails and phone calls. I am a very happy birthday girl!

"Her lie was symptomatic of a certain pride she took in mocking the romantic, in being unsentimental, matter-of-fact, stoic; yet at heart she was the opposite: idealistic, dreamy, giving, and deeply attached to everything she liked verbally to dismiss as "mushy"."

--- On Love, Alain de Botton

Monday, July 30, 2007



Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I have finished reading the 608-page book and can now resurface from my little Potter world again. For the past few days I have been avoiding all forms of media/human contact - blogs, websites, newspapers, TV news, even the MTR, for fear that some horribly evil-hearted people (like You-Know-Who) may, just for the fun of seeing other people (i.e. me) suffer, give the ending away.

Hurrah, I am free now!

Friday, July 20, 2007




The truth is always hard to take.

BB and I have joined a new care group at church, and tonight is our first official bible study / fellowship meeting.

Like most bible study groups, we need to prepare for the meeting by reading some materials relevant to the topic of discussion, and tonight's topic is about marriage life. So, this morning I was reading this chapter which talks about "honouring your uniqueness". The chapter contains discussion of spiritual principles as well as some questions for us to answer, and it was when I was answering one of the questions that the truth suddenly dawned on me:

"What is your G.Q. (gratefulness quotient) concerning your talents and abilities? Write Yes or No in each blank below.

_____ I can think of at least two talents I have.
_____ I often thank God for the abilities He has given me.
_____ I ......


I froze after reading the first statement. "Two talents"? I scratched my head for 5 minutes, went to the loo (people think most clearly when in toilets), came back, stared at the questions again for another 5 and my head was still blank.


P.S. It's been 6 hours since I first read the question, and I still cannot think of one single talent that I have. Sigh.

Thursday, July 19, 2007




Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The lobster, shrimp and crab louie was fantastic.

Having lunch with L is always a pleasure.

We were classmates in law school, and after we graduated, we joined the same law firm and became colleagues.

I left that law firm three years ago, but L and I manage to keep in touch. Whenever we meet up (which is less often than we'd like to be), it's always full of fun and non-stop chatting. Pure gals' talk.

Having changed jobs a few times has left me with, besides a few more lines on my CV, a fair amount of "ex-colleagues". Not all "ex-colleagues" can transition smoothly into "friends" -- time will tell. There are disappointments, but there are more surprises.

L is never a surprise though. I always knew we would be friends, colleagues or not. And I am so glad I am right.

Monday, July 16, 2007

If I say this 100 times it will come true.

I am an excellent cook.

I am an excellent cook.

I am an excellent cook.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Au secours!




Oh Sekoor!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

My new book shelf.

Just scroll down.

There is a wish list too! *wink*

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The angels got together... and sprinkled moondust in your hair**.

T and I go back a long way. We started our full-time professional work life together in the same law firm as trainee solicitors. Memories of how we first met escaped me, but I can remember vividly the days when it's quiet at work and we (trainees!) took our not-too-short tea break or went shopping (Mannings!) in the Exchange Square area (IFC was not yet fully developed in those days).

Years flew by and today T is not only a talented (she's been always been - it is difficult to hide a star) and successful lawyer at an international law firm, but a mother of three!

Her name is Yvonne. Isn't she adorable. (She smiles too - only at aged 2/365 year!)

**You are allowed to be mushy when around babies.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Today is my parents' wedding anniversary. 34 years ago, they made one of their life's biggest commitments -- that they would love and cherish each other for the rest of days.

In a world where the divorce rate is climbing every year, 34 is a pretty amazing figure.

My parents do not think this is much of a big deal, but I do. And I thank them for teaching me all about family values by setting an example themselves.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Peak.

The Suens have recently bought a car, so what better to do than to drive to the Peak on a sunny day and have a relaxing lunch with their two friends (i.e. me and BB)?

The view from Cafe Deco.

The appetizer sampler I ordered.

The salmon tandori.

The food at Cafe Deco was OK, but if you are planning on going, stay away from the wine tasting package. We should have known better that $72 (for 3 glasses) is not going to give us any remotely pleasant wine tasting experience. Our bad.

Next time we will try Pearl on the Peak (with the Suens of course, who will again give us a ride -- yes I know we are shamelessly thick-skinned).

Saturday, July 07, 2007








...可能在1986年出生的年輕人都真的如劇裏主角一樣,舉手投足思想行爲都像一班初中學生般。我承認我在大學時期不見得很成熟,但總不會像他們一樣囉。我一邊看這班“大學final year同學”,一邊額角變青,附送冷汗兩滴。(很難明言,你看後就會明白。)

...可能這劇的target audiance其實是十五至二十二嵗的年輕人。所以當我覺得我像在看中學生戲劇比賽(那種作狀,那種細路扮大人講人生哲理),其實是正常反應。






Friday, July 06, 2007

你,衣櫃,go go go。


將 於 今 日 在 亞 洲 多 個 國 家 同 步 發 售 的 英 國 人 氣 品 牌 Anya Hindmarch 環 保 袋 , 在 明 星 效 應 及 強 勁 宣 傳 攻 勢 下 , 昨 天 吸 引 逾 千 市 民 在 全 港 四 家 專 門 店 及 一 家 高 檔 超 市 通 宵 排 隊 搶 購 , 當 中 包 括 一 隊 由 「 炒 家 」 率 領 的 百 人 「 排 隊 黨 」 , 但 由 於 各 個 售 賣 點 均 出 現 打 尖 、 鼓 譟 的 混 亂 場 面 , 警 方 派 員 到 場 維 持 秩 序 , 並 要 求 改 用 派 籌 方 式 疏 通 人 流 。 結 果 逾 千 張 籌 瞬 間 派 光 , 但 聚 集 在 中 環 及 尖 沙 嘴 五 個 售 賣 點 的 600 多 名 向 隅 者 , 直 至 昨 深 夜 仍 不 肯 散 去 , 群 情 洶 湧 。





Thursday, July 05, 2007







今個星期,終於開張。我每天幫襯,java chip frappucino muffin salmon panini lamington....好像放監一樣。搞咩呢?其實從我家10分鐘路程不夠已經有超過5間鬼佬咖啡店(包括兩間Starbukcs)啦,而我卻很少光顧。咁爲何我單單對公司附近的這間Starbucks有興趣呢?有興趣到我吃盡了我平時不會吃的高脂高膽固醇食物! 我簡直是全球一體化的典型受害者啊(吓?!)。


Monday, July 02, 2007

The Press Room

As BB said, when you go to a decent restaurant for dinner without your wife, you should be prepared to pay the price, i.e. you may be "gently" reminded of this tiny little fact every day for the rest of your life, or that your head (or other body parts) may be chopped/bitten off when you're asleep.

To avoid any of the above from happening, BB has wisely chosen the perfect remedy. A booking was secured, and 48 hours later, he was at The Press Room again, this time with his lovely spouse and four good friends.

I like the place. It is modern, cozy and unpretentious. The only thing is that it can be rather noisy when fully seated, which is strange considering the ceiling is really high.

I ordered the Endive, Pear & Colston Bassett Stilton Salad, and the Portabello Mushroom Crepes. The salad was divine. I am usually not a huge fan of blue cheese but this dish still managed to top my "favourite salad" list. The Crepes was good too, but I was already very full when it arrived so I had quite a difficult time finishing it off.

Other things that we've ordered included the French Onion Soup, Country Pate, Pan Seared Scallops & Escargots, Lobster Risotto, Lobster and Avocado Club Sandwich, Herb Crusted Rack of Australian Lamb, Prime Steak Frites, and Press Room Burger. The feedback was unanimously positive.

Time flies by quickly when you are in the company of good friends. We chatted and gossiped and the next thing we knew, it was close to 11pm. We got the bill, left the restaurant, and took our separate taxis home.

All in all, the long weekend ended in good taste.


Hen Weekend是也。


兩日一夜,我們做盡一般人在中山會做的事 -- 吃東西和按摩。當然還有hen weekend 的highlight啦(不過是秘密嘿嘿)。其實我們8人只要在一起,不管到哪裏都可以有很多歡樂(因爲我們是癲婆)。

我們按摩的地點是在一間醫院裏面。一進醫院便有聞到一股濃烈的中葯味道,感覺好衛生,好專業(?),加10分。醫院環境好乾淨,又光猛, 又加10分。按摩手勢正宗,我的酸痛位全部按中,加300分!! 還不用給小費,加50分!但那些接待員好像未瞓醒般,拾吓拾吓,倒扣140分!




硬是不明白爲什麽大陸的叉燒餐包總是特別好味道。有人說是因爲大陸的餐包落了很多豬油。 弊,我吃了很多!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The long weekend

This is BB here - DBJ has given me permission to write another guest blog while she parties away on her hen weekend in Zhong Shan.

After another challenging week at work (bosses in every part of the company wanted to please a certain client that was also ringing me for midnight con calls), it was great to have a long weekend.

Escaping the Saturday rain, I went to the movies and saw "Die Hard 4" with two uni friends who, like me, have made HK their home for the next few years. Cool as Bruce Willis is, the plot and action scenes were just too OTT. Even for me. "24" is better.

Saturday dinner was enjoyably spent at a restaurant that I had been wanting to visit for ages, but somehow never managed to. I'll definitely come back (next time with DBJ who won't be pleased that I've gone to another decent restaurant w/out her).

I can't really comment on the restaurant reviews that say it's a NY style brasserie. I've never been to NY, much to Americans' disbelief. What I do know is that the food and atmosphere were great. Floor to ceiling windows, an open kitchen, chalkboard containing my favourite dishes, some good wines and a very respectable selection of cheeses (alas we were too full to try the cheeseboard), make this place well worth a visit. We had a very fresh endive, pear and blue cheese salad (perfect to get the gastric juices flowing), foie gras terrine (decent size portion though there could have been a bit more jam/quince), great burger with all the trimmings, asparagus (nicely grilled and presented), creamed spinach, profiteroles, apple crumble etc.. You get the picture. I am a fan of such high quality and generously portioned comfort food! (The place also does brunch, so I can see Phoenix facing some stiff competition.)

The only gripe I have is that, having spent a reasonable sum on a wine, the glasses were unisex white/red ones which could not give justice to the Bordeaux. (I hate to admit that I am becoming a Frasier or Niles in being so judgemental, but this is a warning to DB's readers who do like their wine).

All in all, a very enjoyable Saturday.

Long may the weekend continue!