Monday, April 30, 2007

I'm lovin' it!

Remember I wrote about how much I wanted the Anya Hindmarch bag?

Well, it is sitting in my living room right now.

I think BB was quite bemused about my over-excitement over this bag ("it must be a girl thing", he said). But little did he know. I had been looking for a chic non-leather bag for some time now (I want to be more animal-friendly, earth-friendly), but for the longest time I couldn't find anything I liked (even when I was ready to pay for an expensive one). That's until I lay eyes on the AH bag in Vogue magazine (the fact that it costs GBP5 is a seriously favourable factor too).

One little tiny problem: the bag was of limited edition, and on sale in the UK only (the Japanese and US version will be launched this summer). Here's when BB's mother came into play. Living in London, BBM was so kind as to go to Sainsbury at 5.45am, and queue for 2 hours until the shop opened at 8am, to buy the bag for me. I felt so very touched, and so very guilty at the same time, when she told me that mission was accomplished. *sniff* I genuinely didn't expect that it would involve so much effort and hassle in getting the bag, otherwise I wouldn't have asked BBM in the first place. What can I say? I have the sweetest mother-in-law who loves me so much.

So this is more than just a bag. This is a bag of statement, and a bag of love.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

I am pro-guns.

I care about world issues and I meditate.

By the way, doesn't the rear part of his body look like that of a roast chicken?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Munch and more munch

A month ago, over dinner, I told R, my friend's girlfriend, that I thought Penna Cotta was very difficult to make (even though I had never tried it). "But it is very easy!" R said. At that very moment, from my very own mouth (stupid me!), I managed to declare myself a kitchen retard.

To redeem myself, yesterday I attempted to make this dessert for the first time, following none but R's very own recipe, with a little twist of my own (I used blueberries in balsamic vinegar instead of raspberries in icing sugar, also made it an adult version by adding Vodka).

And Voilà! To quote R's words, it really is "one of the easiest desserts to make, and also very impressive"! I am very pleased with myself. So pleased that I headed to Page One this afternoon and bought myself another cookbook, together with his autobiography. Whoever dare to be my guinea pigs, sign up here!

Last night we met up with AJ and his fiancée, C. C just came back from Japan and she was kind enough to bring us an edible souvenir!

It is a multi-layered cake (like an onion), with an apple right in the middle of the cake! Isn't it super cute!

Today we had lunch with BB's uni mate at Phoenix. Back in our dating days, BB and I used to go to this gastropub almost every weekend (at their old address near Bonham Road), to chill out and play board games. How romantic! But since they moved to this present address (Shelly Street, right next to the escalator), we've visited the place a lot less frequently. The food is excellent as always (love their big breakfast and eggs Benedict). We think (without verification though) their price has come down a notch too (today's bill came to about $150 per person). If you want to have a relaxing lunch in a cozy environment, this is the place.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Verse of the Day

"The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." --- 1 Samuel 16:7

Thursday, April 26, 2007


My friend Anor highly recommended the sermon on "Time" preached by a very good pastor last Sunday at a church which I have been attending for the past few months. I missed last Sunday's service as I attended the service at my home church in Tsim Sha Tsui instead.

So I downloaded the sermon on-line and listened to it this morning on my way to work. It really is a very powerful message, and very well delivered.

This was the first sermon of a new series on the topic of "growing spritually". Am already looking forward to the rest of the sermons!





現實/老闆/情人是殘酷的。我們可以罵“咁鬼麻煩,要求多多。”但實情亦是,我們很多時只從我們的主觀出發,認定什麽是“對公司/情人/朋友好”,“盡力做個好員工/情人/朋友”。做了自己認爲OK的,便以爲是duty discharged。但其實對方要什麽我們又知不知道呢。

可幸是,很多事情有take two。我們可以從錯誤中吸取教訓,努力學習做到100分,A-Z樣樣做齊,對方心意統統明瞭。當然,大大前題是他/她/牠/它一定要是worth your effort的,否則呢D咁嘅麻煩友,晨早已一腳伸咗佢去大西洋啦,重要我為你花咁多心思,慳D啦唔該,發夢冇咁早呀。

Monday, April 23, 2007









做真媽媽的(即是她的BB是會講a man and a pen會駁嘴那些),心痛的感覺大抵就是這樣吧。


Thanks to Mr S, you don't have to wait for 2 months for BB's master piece!

By the way, the "chocolat/framboise" was really yuuuuummmmmy!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wedding and all things related.

Hi, it's BB again.

We've just come back from a wedding banquet. One of my ex-colleagues. It must be the first time (apart from my own wedding!) that I've sat so close to the head table. Normally, as any HK wedding banquet goer will know, colleagues and "other friends" are relegated to sitting on table 37 right at the back corner of the venue, probably by some loudspeakers in the corner. Tonight we were lucky. And the table seating plan was good. All were ex-colleagues (or spouses) and it was great to catch up with good friends. (Whilst we love to moan about our old law firm, there's no doubt that our time in private practice has forged some good friendships which continue long after we left). We must be getting old though. The suggestion of going for drinks after the banquet had a lukewarm response and I think a number of us were secretly relieved to grab a taxi back home rather than try our luck queuing at some nightspot in Soho/Lan Kwai. The groom was one of the last remaining bachelors in our circle of ex-colleagues and, now that he has settled down with his true love, it means no more stag nights for a long time :-(


This week has flown by. It is with a sigh of relief that we managed to sell our old flat. The intention had been that we would be able to sell our old place and move into the marital home at the same time. Wishful thinking! 9 painful months later of carrying two mortgages and we can now breathe easier. [Note from DBJ: that means BB no longer has any excuse not take me to all those new posh restaurants!]

[Note #2 from DBJ: BB has not forgotten to write about our dinner at Spoon. But being a perfectionist, he has to draft the post, revise it, revise it some more, proof-read, and proof-read some more before he can post it on-line. He has started drafting, so please expect to see it in a couple of months' time. Stay tuned.]

Friday, April 20, 2007


背景:我公司是一家“國際性,具有豐富跨國業務”(!)的中資機構。中資嘛,總部當然是在祖國啦。我們法務部有差不多10人,在中國公司來說,已算不錯。我們的新老闆(General Counsel)在外國讀書工作多年,所以作風很洋化,亦民主,(還是基督徒!),跟他工作挺愉快。 除了我跟秘書,其他人全都在深圳上班。

每次開departmental meeting, 老闆都會邀請一位“神秘嘉賓”出席,跟我們分享他們的工作心得。這些嘉賓大多是business divisions的人。所以當我們知道這次也有嘉賓出席,也不以爲然。


“咦,呢個肥佬咁熟口面嘅?”我心想。期時我身邊的人已經馬上站起來,恭恭敬敬的。有點不對路。(我呢,其實呢,真係幾笨)很久很久之後,便發現他就是我們整個集團的主席。就像Bill Gates 跟 Richard Branson 跟 Alan Greenspan 一樣,大人物囉。(也不能怪我認不出他,他真人比上鏡靚仔10倍呀起碼。)


首先是同事S。(除了我以外,S是唯一一個香港律師,但不知爲何,他選擇在深圳常駐。一定係包了二奶。)他詳細的介紹自己是“香港跟英國”律師(在我們的年代,只要你是Hong Kong qualified,便可以差不多自動拿到英國牌,但我們大多沒有advise UK law 的經驗,所以實際上不會說自己是英國律師),有多年的工作經驗啦,曾經advise 過什麽project啦,dala dala dala。













大笨:唔係吓化?[伸手指入耳朵摸索後] 唓,邊度有唧?
伯伯: 有呀!不如我幫你唧咗佢吖!




我們閒時會為對方拔白頭髮 (一邊拔一邊說些無聊話例如“嘩我有咁多白頭髮嘅!你睇你平時對我幾差吖!”諸如此類)。拔完以後,會把頭髮放在一個陶氏密實袋裏面。 不要問我爲何這麽做,伯伯說要把它們儲起來喎!



Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I hate therefore I kill

I wanted to write about my date with this yummy man, but that has to wait till later, when BB is less busy at work and can guest blog about it.

I am still in shock about yet another college shooting in the States. I was just watching on YouTube yesterday about TR Knight's interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show - he was talking about the incident last October where Isaiah Washington called him a faggot. Ellen, a homosexual herself, expressed her concern about this and said "people should not say hateful words to one another". She mentioned it again at the Oscars, saying that people should stop hating one another simply because of their race, religion or sexual orientation.

The shooting is a case in point. It may not have anything to do with the above things, but it is about hatred. And it shows what a powerful and destructive weapon hatred can be. I cannot imagine what could make this young Korean so angry and frustrated that he has to kill all his school mates. But whatever he went through in life, he must have been in pain. I feel sorry for him, as I feel very sorry for the victims.

My heart dropped a beat when I heard that the police first suspected the shooter was a Chinese man. But it's not any better that he's a Korean. It's tough being the minority in a foreign country, and when things like this happen, it just makes things worse. I hope the Americans will be sensible enough not retaliate against the Korean community.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lies and deception may be a good thing after all

An interesting article, entitled "Truth or date?", appeared in the Post Magazine today. The text was taken from New Scientist. It talks about how misinterpretation, self-deception and biases can actually help us find happiness in love. I am still struggling to agree with what is said in the article (because it basically throws pure true love and romance out of the window), but some of the findings mentioned in this article do bear a degree of truth.

On soul mate --

"The idea that your sweetheart is your soul mate or one true love is unlikely on statistical grounds: we will meet only a few hundred or thousand of the billions of potential partners on Earth. So why do we kid ourselves?...If we were rational beings and looking for the best possible mate, we'd never stop - there are far too many people for us to assess...So we have to have some sort of mechanism that puts an end to the search, at least temporarily...Falling head-over-heels in love is one solution to the problem of mate choice."

"From childhood our experience of the world provides a template for the kind of person we think we are suited to...a "love map"...Then when you're looking around and find someone who fits within your love map, you are primed to fall in love...As a result, although we can list what we don't like about our sweetheart, we sweep these facts aside and focus on what we adore."

On how people view their partner --

"95 per cent of people...believed their partner was above average in appearance, intelligence, warmth and sense of humour."

On comparison between current and ex- partner --

"...people tend to paint their current partner as a "winner" - open-minded, outgoing and confident - and their former partner as losers - closed-minded, emotionally unstable and disagreeable...It can't be the case that the 300 people we studied all happened to now be with ideal mating prospects, while all their 300 prior partners were duds."

"...we have the evidence for what Chaucer said: 'Love is blind'."

According to the article, true love and romance is all about reproduction and evolution, and that we would unconsciously, and under the influence of hormones, fool ourselves into a relationship (which may or may not turn out to be a happy one). Kind of depressing, hmm.

Open market / Sunday afternoon / It's really all about food...or not

Today after the morning church service, BB and I together with our church friends, hoping to get away from the busy crowded streets of the city, went to the Cyberport Open Market.

It was a slight disappointment, as there weren't as many stalls as we expected, and a large number of the stalls sells non-food items (I was hoping it would be an organic food market like the ones we went to in New Zealand or Australia). I did still manage to find some treasure, and after dropping $300, I came home with this:

Not exactly a bargain, but it's hand-made, with beautiful trimmings, and a fair trade merchandise too! It feels good when you are helping to make this world a better place.

Despite the underwhelming number of stalls, I still think the market is worth visiting. Sitting under the sun, sipping bear and watching the toddlers and children laughing and running barefeet on the grass, it was a very relaxing day out.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

mos burger and agnès b. le pain grillé - worth the wait?

After months of complaining, I, Dai Bun's husband, have been given permission to write today's blog.

We had marked today in our diary more than a month ago. DB had been calling and calling a certain French bistro (opened last year) and, after literally 15 phone calls, she had finally secured a table. While the day was filled with other things (more of which later), this was the highlight of the week. We pass by the restaurant every day, to and from work, and often gazed longingly through the windows wondering whether the restaurant really can deliver the perfect onion soup and duck confit...

Our first task of the day was to clear out my old flat in Island East in preparation for its sale. So we grabbed a taxi back to our old neighbourhood and, since it was lunch time, went to the newly opened Mos Burger just outside Jusco. There were 20 people queuing outside... so first we went to our old hang-out (Jusco) and ordered siu mai and curry fish balls. $10 each. Ever dependable, full and flavour and bringing back many happy memories of my time there.

We then decided to queue for a Mos Burger and, after 15 minutes, ordered our burger and chicken set. DB said that when it first opened, people were queuing for 2 hours! Mad, but this is HK where people queue for anything and everything. The chicken burger was pretty decent but the fried chicken was much better (excellent piece of meat, dusted in seasoned flour and deep fried). It's what I'd call the Japanese equivalent of Triple O and KFC. But, being a Japanese sensation, it has more "delicate" (i.e. smaller) portions. It was pretty tasty, but it's hard to beat the filling sensation that a Triple O burger or finger licking good KFC meal delivers.

Back to Agnes B. Soon. I dragged DB to a body combat class (my 2nd time) to pre-emptively burn off some calories. All credit to the instructor for giving us a great work out. At the end of the class (I had admitted at the start I was a novice), she gave me a few words of encouragement. Then again, it could have been sympathy when she saw how shattered I looked. DB and I spent the next three hours back at home recovering, too tired to even talk to each other.

So, the main event. For such an auspicious occasion, we had invited Mr & Mrs S. Where there's good food or a new restaurant, rest assured that they will be there! The menu (classic French bistro) looked great. Everything you could want. So we ordered everything. Soups (bisque, onion soup), salads (grilled bacon, grilled lobster), mussels (the smaller, sweeter ones rather than the over-sized green lips normally found in Asia), grilled lobster, duck confit (my choice - meat was succulent, falling off the bone), sole and more lobster, soufflés (very generous portions - by the end we were all stuffed) and a delicious looking apple tart tatin (ordered by Mrs S). Even though my chocolate soufflé was pretty good, the proverbial grass is always greener on the other side, and with hindsight I would have preferred Mrs S' tart tatin which Mrs S admitted was excellent. So excellent, in fact, that I noticed Mr S only managed to get a bite right at the end.

I ought to wrap up and gather my thoughts as to what really has been a day of gluttony and, thank God, a carefree day where I have been able to rest and chill out with my wife and dear friends. What I will remember is just how damn difficult it was to book a place at Agnes B. What I have learned is that (and this is where I try to be Anthony Bourdain) food isn't necessarily about trying the most recent fad (be it Japanese or French). It's about what satisfies the soul. And for me, it was the humble siu mai/fish ball food stall which brought back so many happy memories of my time in Island East with, coming around full circle, Mr & Mrs S and DB.

One final note: thanks for DB for letting me write today.


Thursday, April 12, 2007



丈夫:[準備打一封cover fax] 等我create個我地既personal fax letterhead先。
太太:咩letterhead呀?駛乜咁煩唧?就咁fax d document咪得囉,cover fax 都唔駛寫啦,重搞乜鬼letterhead唧?
丈夫:整咗個letterhead,第時我地send fax就有自己既名同地址響封fax度,勁呀。

然後丈夫用了40分鐘去弄一個fax template。只為了傳真時可以“好勁”。唉。

弄好template之後,丈夫又用了30分鐘去寫一個cover fax (cover fax, 即是那些 “Dear xx, please see attached”三行寫完的fax。)

然後,要簽名。太太遞給他一支原子筆,丈夫竟然拒絕,然後從筆筒拿了另外一支水筆。簽fax咋喎!隨便一支筆簽都可以啦! “But this is my signing pen!”丈夫面紅紅尷尷尬尬地說。[好彩他都知道自己麻煩]


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The holiday

One knows one is well rested over the holidays when one begins to look forward to going back to work. "One" being my husband. He was so restless over the Easter holidays (e.g. on one morning at 11.30 when we had finished our errands, he said "I can't believe it's only 11.30 and we've achieved so much already!" From then on things went downhill, and he began frantically to find something to do) that I have decided he cannot retire until he's 90.

And it wasn't like we were twiddling our fingers over the holidays. We have:

*reorganised the fridge / food cabinet / in-tray
*hosted a sake party at our place
*attended Good Friday service
*had several rounds of foot / body massages
*visited the newest casinos and witnessed the birth of the Asian Las Vegas
*eaten more than our share of the yummy egg tarts and pork chop toasts
*wined and dined here and here

People go to Macau to gamble (we didn't) and eat (we did, the whole time) so there's nothing much to write about, except that (i) we (the taxi we rode in) almost killed a motorcyclist and (ii) I overheard the most surreal direction-seeking conversation between a waiter and a tourist and and (iii) I realised (to my horror!) that I actually have a rather small appetite, compared to my travel pals (it's so unfair - I don't eat much but I still weigh 2000 tonnes).


While we were away, I asked my parents to come over to our place and look after the cats. And when we came back I discovered that my dad has given our utility room a make-over! He's always complained about how messy our utility room was so I guess he helped himself while we were away. And my mom has tidied up my handbag cabinet! My parents rock! I am so spoiled hehe.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007






星期日早上,跟伯伯坐的士返教會。 一上的士,便覺事態不妙。

司機:冷氣OK嗎? 會唔會太凍?
我(冷汗倒流):....O...OK。 [好驚,係咪上咗賊車?邊有司機咁好禮貌?]


下車時,我對司機說,“好勁呀,我第一次坐優秀的士司機架車呀!希望你07年會再接再勵。”司機說,“我會繼續努力嫁嘞!” [簡直好似勵志電視劇的對白。]








1。我知我知,幢樓係Norman Foster設計吖嘛。 我知我知,Norman Foster係著名建築師吖嘛,但係你不斷同我講“Norman Foster既設計,只有一隻字形容,就係‘貴’!”,真係好煩。不是講笑,這句對白經紀前前後後講咗超過8次!再說,貴不代表值,你不斷說他的設計很貴,只會令我更質疑我是不是你的水魚。還有,你說貝沙灣是Norman Foster在亞洲設計的第一幢住宅,難道你忘了淺水灣129號? 資料搜集呀大哥!


3。那些示範單位,誤導程度,簡直出神入化。 所有間隔全部拆除,内裏除了最基本的梳化餐枱睡床差不多沒有其他東西。最慘是,即使這樣,單位也不見得很大(我們看的是1,800尺單位喎)。

