Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I couldn't have come up with a more accurate description.

This Barnes guy must be a great friend of BB. Or he could be BB in disguise!

And apparently, "Gastrosexual" is the word to describe a man who takes pleasure, and excel, in cooking.

"What's the psychology behind a man wanting to be alone in a kitchen? For Julian Barnes, the appeal lay in pedantry: an academic consultation of reference books followed by scholarly research for authentic ingredients. Then, exacting reproduction of recipes with precise timings and flawless reproduction of a premeditated result."

--- p.58, Waitrose Food Illustrated, October 2008

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

When having the blues, read a book.

"He awoke each morning with the desire to do right, to be a good and meaningful person, to be, as simple as it sounded and as impossible as it actually was, happy. And during the course of each day his heart would descend from his chest into his stomach. By early afternoon he was overcome by the feeling that nothing was right, or nothing was right for him, and by the desire to be alone. By evening he was fulfilled: alone in the magnitude of his grief, alone in his aimless guilt, alone even in his loneliness. I am not sad, he would repeat to himself over and over, I am not sad. As if he might one day convince himself. Or fool himself. Or convince others - the only thing worse than being sad is for others to know that you are sad. I am not sad. I am not sad. Because his life had unlimited potential for happiness, insofar as it was an empty white room. He would fall asleep with his heart at the foot of his bed, like some domesticated animal that was no part of him at all. And each morning he would wake with it again in the cupboard of his rib cage, having become a little heavier, a little weaker, but still pumping. And by midafternoon he was again overcome with the desire to be somewhere else, someone else, someone else somewhere else. I am not sad."

--- Everything is Illumiated by Jonathan Safran Foer

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Pain of being a Hong Konger.

When George W. Bush makes one of the many stupid decisions that he has made, the US citizens are partly responsible, because they (at least those who voted for him) helped put him in office.

We Hong Kong people don't even have the luxury of blaming ourselves for making a bad choice. And so we have to watch our utterly incompetent / borderline imbecilic government officials making unacceptable mistakes time after time and having the nerve to make excuses for themselves. They have collectively taken the word "shameless" to a whole new level.

I have never been more ashamed of our government than I am now. Just look at what they have done in the past 11 months and you will see.

I want universal suffrage now. Whatever dumb-ass I decide to vote for, at least that would be MY decision and I will live with the consequences.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


From G's article on today's Apply Daily.



她 愛 你

‧ 她 把 隔 夜 的 尾 盛 載 在 一 個 小 碟 上 , 大 家 吃 飯 時 , 她 把 那 碟 子 放 在 自 己 面 前 。 ‧ 她 把 新 嘗 試 做 ( 卻 失 敗 了 ) 的 菜 式 , 放 在 自 己 面 前 。
‧ 熬 通 宵 的 翌 日 , 桌 上 出 現 一 杯 去 濕 茶 。 5 分 鐘 後 , 她 從 廚 房 伸 出 頭 來 , 偷 看 你 有 沒 有 喝 。
‧ 你 為 了 打 發 她 , 亂 說 自 己 抽 煙 不 算 兇 , 她 回 答 說 : 「 你 昨 天 抽 了 22 根 煙 。 」 原 來 每 趟 替 你 清 理 煙 灰 缸 的 時 候 , 她 的 心 一 直 數 算 。
‧ 躺 在 床 上 的 時 候 , 忽 然 發 覺 原 來 已 經 換 了 淨 的 被 鋪 。 然 後 想 起 被 鋪 好 像 昨 夜 早 已 換 了 … … 抑 或 是 前 天 呢 ? 總 之 就 是 換 了 。
‧ 某 天 你 移 動 床 褥 , 原 來 很 重 哦 … … 她 何 來 力 氣 獨 自 托 起 床 褥 去 換 床 單 的 ?
‧ 發 甚 麼 神 經 ? 每 一 頓 飯 都 煮 牛 肉 。 「 我 見 你 上 星 期 把 那 碟 瓜 牛 肉 吃 清 光 嘛 … … 」 你 完 全 記 不 起 甚 麼 上 星 期 的 瓜 牛 肉 。
‧ 而 她 不 吃 牛 肉 的 。
‧ 她 拿 了 湯 水 給 你 , 你 在 夜 忽 然 想 起 哎 喲 ! 死 ! 袋 子 有 一 壺 湯 !
‧ … … 然 後 你 打 開 袋 子 , 發 現 再 有 一 個 膠 袋 包 裹 湯 壺 , 打 開 膠 袋 , 發 現 湯 壺 外 再 有 數 條 橡 皮 圈 紮 一 層 抹 手 紙 。
‧ 她 致 電 你 , 你 說 你 正 在 工 作 , 她 說 一 句 「 對 不 起 」 就 急 忙 掛 線 。 她 向 你 說 對 不 起 。 她 向 你 說 對 不 起 。
‧ 她 很 緊 張 地 問 : 「 我 抹 東 西 時 不 小 心 碰 到 你 的 電 腦 , 畫 面 上 忽 然 有 光 , 會 不 會 有 事 ? 」
‧ 為 甚 麼 每 一 次 很 晚 回 家 , 進 門 不 久 就 看 見 她 步 出 睡 房 去 洗 手 間 ? 為 甚 麼 每 一 次 都 剛 巧 遇 上 你 回 家 的 時 候 上 廁 所 ? 凌 晨 2 時 回 家 , 她 就 2 時 上 廁 所 。 凌 晨 4 時 25 分 回 家 , 她 就 4 時 25 分 上 廁 所 。 為 甚 麼 無 論 多 晚 回 家 都 遇 上 她 碰 巧 醒 來 ?
‧ 她 老 是 說 喝 汽 水 沒 有 益 。 你 發 現 雪 櫃 永 遠 有 喝 不 完 的 汽 水 。
‧ 腳 趾 踢 到 椅 腳 , 嘩 痛 痛 痛 ! 痛 一 會 就 不 痛 , 你 嘩 啦 嘩 啦 跑 開 了 。 然 後 她 走 過 去 把 椅 子 移 開 。
‧ 你 某 天 發 現 她 腳 上 穿 你 的 一 雙 舊 襪 子 。
‧ 她 學 說 你 的 口 頭 禪 , 又 要 講 錯 。
‧ 她 發 現 你 臉 上 每 一 顆 新 長 出 來 的 暗 瘡 , 無 論 那 顆 暗 瘡 是 多 麼 的 小 。
‧ 她 輕 鬆 地 說 : 「 你 前 天 不 夠 睡 , 只 睡 了 6 小 時 哦 , 昨 天 又 只 睡 了 5 個 小 時 。 」 其 實 連 你 自 己 也 不 記 得 。
‧ 她 明 明 在 默 默 熨 衣 服 , 忽 然 說 起 : 「 要 找 對 自 己 好 的 人 , 知 道 嘛 ? 」 然 後 你 發 現 她 原 來 在 想 關 於 你 的 事 。 你 不 回 應 她 , 她 回 復 沉 默 。
‧ 但 你 知 道 她 仍 然 在 想 所 有 關 於 你 的 事 。
‧ 你 不 快 樂 , 完 全 沒 有 表 現 出 來 。 她 突 然 問 起 你 近 來 怎 樣 。 你 說 : 「 沒 甚 麼 哦 ! 」 你 改 變 話 題 。 她 也 改 變 話 題 。 大 家 轉 說 其 他 軼 事 。 你 暗 暗 在 想 為 何 她 會 知 道 你 不 快 樂 。 你 知 道 她 根 本 不 相 信 你 那 句 「 沒 甚 麼 哦 」 。 大 家 口 中 繼 續 說 別 的 話 題 。
‧ 你 說 過 會 跟 她 飲 茶 。 她 清 晨 就 下 床 等 你 。 一 直 安 靜 地 坐 在 大 廳 中 , 等 你 。
‧ 早 上 臨 出 門 前 , 我 發 瘋 地 找 一 件 白 色 的 襯 衣 , 你 翻 出 許 多 白 色 的 裙 子 、 白 色 的 褲 子 、 白 色 的 外 套 … … 我 說 算 了 , 不 用 找 了 , 轉 身 就 上 路 。 夜 回 家 , 我 發 現 有 幾 件 白 色 的 衣 服 放 在 床 尾 , 才 記 起 自 己 曾 經 找 過 那 襯 衣 … … 早 上 的 事 , 我 已 經 忘 記 , 你 卻 整 天 往 櫃 翻 , 想 要 找 尋 任 何 白 色 的 襯 衣 … … 每 當 我 踏 出 家 門 的 時 候 , 我 把 一 切 拋 諸 腦 後 , 你 卻 把 那 一 刻 的 任 何 事 情 牢 記 住 。 在 外 面 , 我 的 時 鐘 已 經 走 了 許 多 個 圈 。 你 的 時 鐘 , 卻 停 留 在 我 步 出 家 門 的 一 刻 。 當 我 回 家 , 你 的 時 鐘 才 從 我 離 開 那 個 時 刻 延 續 。 你 的 時 鐘 就 停 留 在 我 步 出 家 門 的 一 刻 。

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

For all dog (or cat) (or animal) lovers.

This is one of the best books I have read this year. If you love dogs, this is the perfect user manual. If you love animals, this book is for you too.

"A dog's love is the same as God's love. That's why 'dog' is 'god' spelt backwards." It cannot be more true.

Maybe I should get a few copies for my animal-loving friends for Christmas...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Vienna & London.

The Schonbrunn Palace. The weather was excellent that morning, which made all the difference. When we left after lunch, the sky was clouding up already.

The absolute highlight of my trip to Vienna - conker picking. Until then I didn't know what a conker was (horse chestnut, looks like a regular chestnut we see in HK, but you cannot eat it). Apparently children in UK collect them and turn them into a toy. Such is the privilege of kids in the west - they are so close to and comfortable with nature and what it offers; unlike most of the Hong Kong- (or city-) raised kids, who don't even know the feeling of walking barefoot on grass.

BB's highlight of his trip in Vienna - listening to a (free!) organ concert. I felt asleep half-way through.

A group of US tourists saw me giggling and taking photos of this statute. They immediately took out their cameras and did the same.

Natural History Museum in London. One of the less expensive (free entry!) activities in London. Everything else costs you an arm and a leg.

A giant spider, the current exhibition at Tate Modern.

Borough Market. It's not huge inside, but all stalls offer the freshest food in town - organic fruits, fish & chips, home-made everything (sausages and pies, cheese, chocolate truffles, olive oil, etc). We had a chorizo sandwich, a veggie burger, a sausage bun, a spicy cider and an apple juice. Very satisfying lunch.

The prize winning pork pie at Borough Market. I bought one and carried back home for my dad.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Running away from the credit crunch (or trying to...)

As our holiday draws to a close, here are some of our (in fact, these are written by BB) most memorable moments of our trip to London and Vienna:

  1. picking newly hatched conkers for DB's first time (even more amazingly, in the gardens of the spectacular Schonbrunn Palace);
  2. watching the horses train at Spanish Riding School (it's only now that we can appreciate the equestrian events at the Olympics);
  3. eating weiner schnitzel at Figmuller where the schitzels are bigger than the plates themselves;
  4. trekking round Vienna at night looking for an emergency chemist (for nurofen, not durex);
  5. enjoying an organ concert at St Peters Church in Vienna;
  6. celebrating Ian's wedding at Whitehall Place (one of the most lavish weddings we've been to in UK);
  7. looking round the Natural History Museum in London (who said it's just for kids?);
  8. lunching at Restaurant Gordon Ramsay (the first and hopefully not the last time we will be eating in such an amazing restaurant);
  9. taking in the aroma of a box of fresh white truffles (at RGR);
  10. DB being in Rothko paradise, surrounded by his paintings at Tate Modern;
  11. BB being in shoe shop hell, surrounded by shelves upon shelves of boots (in both Vienna and London);
  12. savouring the mushroom cheese pancakes at the Hampstead Creperie;
  13. using the shopping scanners at Waitrose;
  14. standing outside Covent Garden tube station in the rush hour and pouring rain;
  15. getting used to London transport again;
  16. getting used to having a bath every night rather than a shower;
  17. catching up with friends and family; and
  18. wishing that the economic doom and gloom will have blown over by the time we come back.

Photos to follow when we are back in HK.

Friday, September 19, 2008






Wednesday, September 17, 2008


*這幾個星期,工作前所未有的繁忙,每個project也是urgent,一天到晚也在check emails 和conference callls。
*但看看Lehman Brothers, 又會暗自安慰,有份工作,已經很幸運了。
*原本在父母家裏的肥貓Lulu,最近因身體不適 -- 即年紀大(13歲)和癡肥(17磅)-- 要長期吃藥。父母照顧不了,結果Lulu“過檔”來了我和伯伯家。我看著Lulu由手掌般小巧,長大到現在我要出盡力才能把她抱起,13年晃眼就過。

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saturday, August 23, 2008

"When there are no consequences, being wrong is simply an interesting diversion."

---- Saturday, Ian McEwan

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A night with Tony Parsons.

My knowledge about Tony Parsons or his works does not go beyond Man and Boy, Man and Wife, and page 16 of One for My Baby, all of which I read over 6 years ago. However, when BB suggested that we attend a literary dinner with him, I was quick to say yes. After all, I have never been to a literary dinner before, and the mere words “li-te-ra-ry dinner” sound sexy and posh enough (shallow I know). Plus, lately I have been reading nothing but Hello!, Elle and Marie Claire (plus more than my share of Next Magazine, Sudden Weekly and other local trash gossip magazines), and therefore a literary dinner sounds a timely and much desired cultural fix.

So we found ourselves sitting inside Grappa’s at 7.30pm last night, waiting to meet the international bestseller (Man and Boy sold over two million copies worldwide). Dinner was from 7.30 to 9.00. At the price of $500 per person, dinner was, at most, mediocre. I had a Caesar salad and duck breast while BB went for the onion soup and chili spaghetti. When my dessert came (chocolate semifreddo with summer fruits), there was fruit juice all over the plate – obviously the kitchen staff did not bother to wipe the rims of the plates before serving the dish. I wonder what Chef Ramsay would say (apart from the two dozen F-words) if we were in Hell’s Kitchen. BB and I calculated that the cost of our 3-course meal plus a glass of wine would be less than $80. What a rip-off. But then again, we came for Tony, not the food; besides, who in the first place would have any expectation about Grappa’s food?

At 9pm, Mr. Parsons came to the podium. He was a lot funnier than his books (or at least my memories of them). He took questions from the audience and gave witty and very honest answers. For example, when asked what prompted his transition from being a music journalist to a novelist, he said without blinking “Unemployment!”. He is a huge fan of Hong Kong too, having visited the city many times over the past 10 years and having made some good friends here. According to him, Shanghai, the place where his latest novel (My Favourite Wife) is set and where he spent a lot of time over the past three years doing research, can never beat Hong Kong.

Despite having met him in person and coming home with two nicely autographed books, I still cannot say that I am tempted to start reading his latest work. BB, on the other hand, is busy reading The Family Way, a present from BB's dad that has been sitting on our book shelf for more than a year before finally finding its way into the light again.

It got me thinking – which writer would I want to meet most? This year, I think my answer would be him.

Monday, August 18, 2008


From Ming Pao Instant News (13.59, 18/8/2008)












Thursday, August 07, 2008



喜歡一個人孤獨的時刻 但不能喜歡太多
在地鐵站或美術館 孤獨像睡眠一樣餵養我
以永無止盡的墜落 需要音樂取暖
喜歡一個人孤獨的時刻 但不能喜歡太多

喜歡一個喝著紅酒的女孩 但不能喜歡太多
把她送上鐵塔 給全世界的人寫明信片
像一隻鳥在最高的地方 歌聲嘹亮
喜歡一個喝著紅酒的女孩 但不能喜歡太多

喜歡一個陽光照射的角落 但不能喜歡太多
是幼稚園的小朋友 笑聲像陽光一樣打擾我
我輕輕的揮一揮手 凝結照片的傷口
喜歡一個陽光照射的角落 但不能喜歡太多

喜歡一個人孤獨的時刻 但不能喜歡太多


Saturday, August 02, 2008

Gratitude (Posted by BB).

From DBJ: Today it is my prerogative (or that is what I have told BB) to have someone else write my blog for me. So, over to BB.

From BB:

Once in a while DBJ has her "me-time". Today is one of those days. This is "divide and conquer" according to what we studied at Care Group. So DBJ is off (and this is not supposed to sound too SATC) to get her hair done and enjoy lunch with some girlfriends and then have dinner with parents.

Today is also DBJ's birthday. In the card I scribbled last night, I tried to jot down our highlights of the past year. My memory (and DBJ's, she will readily admit) gets worse and worse but our personal highlights ranged from the spiritually significant (finding a Care Group, DBJ's mum accepting Christ) to the more worldly and trivial (enjoying some great holidays, Nespresso parties and discovering "Settlers" and Ian McEwan's writing).

I hope we get the chance to sing Matt Redman's "Blessed Be Your Name" at tomorrow's service. If not, then we will be doing so in our hearts.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

I will be back (at least) 3kg more.

Taiwan is an evil place. Really. With its XiaoLongBao, hot & spicy steamboat, Japanese restaurants (yes Japanese food in Taiwan), various forms of noodles, pineapple cakes, sweet and savoury pastries...etc., Taiwan is a place anyone who is on a diet should avoid like a plague.

And I am going there tomorrow! For three days! How I have missed you, food market! And you, Yummiest-BBQ-corn-I-have-ever-had, here I come again!

Blessed are the brave ones, for they will buy new, bigger sets of clothes soon.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

JK Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement

You can watch and read her inspiring speech here.

A couple of quotes:

(On her parents wishing her to take a vocational degree) --
"...I do not blame my parents for their point of view. There is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction; the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you."

(On what we can do to make a difference) --
"If you choose to use your status and influence to raise your voice on behalf of those who have no voice; if you choose to identify not only with the powerful, but with the powerless; if you retain the ability to imagine yourself into the lives of those who do not have your advantages, then it will not only be your proud families who celebrate your existence, but thousands and millions of people whose reality you have helped transform for the better. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Quick update.

If I haven't been updating my blog as frequently as I should, it's because:

1) I have been travelling - I just came back from a Bangkok eating and spa trip. I have had so many bowls of Tong Yum Kung that now I have decided to stay off it for the rest of the year. Next trip is end of July, destination Taiwan.

2) I have been busy googling and youtube-ing him. Have you watched Wanted? If not, I urge you to. Not only will you find it extremely entertaining (though in a weird way), you will also get to see "Britain's brightest up-and-coming actor" (quote from Arena). Then watch (or re-watch) Atonement, Becoming Jane, Penelope, The Last King of Scotland and Starter for 10, and you will know what I mean.

Friday, June 27, 2008


於9426.2公里外,你在電話的那一頭說:“我想我現在明白你當時在倫敦生活時那種孤單的感覺。” 之後的那一句,即使你沒有說出來,我都聽懂。



於是,我在電話的這邊說: “嗯,是嗎。”

Thursday, June 26, 2008

I am singing this song in my head all day long at work. (Don't worry I can multi-task.)

As we gather my Your Spirit work within us
As we gather may we glorify Your Name
Knowing well that as our hearts begin to worship
We’ll be blessed because we came
We’ll be blessed because we came

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
His mercies never come to an end
They are new every morning, new every morning
Great is Thy faithfulness oh Lord
Great is Thy faithfulness

And then I found this on Youtube.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Random thoughts.

I am so glad I went to see this with Mum on Monday. She enjoyed it tremendously too.

I love mother-daughter bonding time.


Quite a few friends (or their parents or spouses) are encountering various health issues, some more serious than others. While I continue to be vigilant in my prayer for them, it also put everything in perspective. Not that many years ago, I still thought that my parents were invincible and they and I would live forever (or at least for the next 60 years or so).



Am having dinner with Dad tonight. Mum has plans so he is feeling a bit lonely at home.

I love father-daughter bonding time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Randy Pausch.

If you haven't heard about Randy Pausch or watched any of his on-line lectures (I am watching this), I strongly recommend that you do it now.

He is a truly inspiring person, and extremely funny too.

I am generally a happy bunny and glass-is-always-half-full type of person, but I would kill to be half as optimistic as Randy is. He is amazing.

Some quotes:

"Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted."

"..when you are pissed off at somebody... you just haven't given them enough time. Just give them a little more time and they will almost always impress you."

"The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something... the brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They are there to stop the other people."

Friday, June 13, 2008

After the Storm

After the storm she laid her naked body
down in wet grass, closed her eyes,
the heaviness gone from the air,

from her life. The breath of the earth
warmed her skin, filled her lungs.
One by one the animals reappeared

from the woods, from their hiding places
deep in the woods, to nervously nuzzle
the strange thing, lick a shoulder or thigh.

But still she lay, unmoving and quiet.
And she lay and and she lay for a hundred years,
while the grass grew over her limbs, breasts

and hair, took her body into the earth,
into the deep, sweet earth of the world.

--- by Jonathan Attrill

Thursday, June 05, 2008


I am still bittered, after all these years.

I thought I have forgotten, I thought I have forgiven, but reality always bites.


Monday, June 02, 2008






Saturday, May 31, 2008


早幾天,洗衣服時,忽然想起你。C說你洗恤衫時,要把恤衫仔細的分門別類 --- 淺色的、深色的、條子的、暗花的、格仔的。。。不能混在一起。你是我認識的人當中對洗恤衫最講究的。 





Thursday, May 22, 2008

Selflessness. Courage. Endurance. Unity. Survival.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: It goes on." --- Robert Frost

Life is a Blessing.

Emma, my niece.

Wonder of all wonderment!
Momentous moment when small form
First feels life in itself.
When new eyes open wide
On old, old world.
When tiny hands handle air;
Touch tenderness and love.
When ears first wake to sound
And silent lips find voice and food.
Soon newly wakened baby wearies.
World will keep.
Being born is quite enough
For one short day.
Baby hands rest;
Baby mouth yawns;
Baby eyes close in sleep.

--- Baby's First Day, by Mary Dawson Hughes

Friday, May 16, 2008

Mother-and-Son, Religion 101.

"I don't see why I can't be all three. Mamaji has two passports. He's Indian and French. Why can't I be a Hindu, a Christian and a Muslim?"
"That's different. France and India are nations on earth."
"How many nations are there in the sky?"
She thought for a second. "One. That's the point. One nation, one passport."
"One nation in the sky?"
"Yes. Or none. There's that option too, you know. These are terribly old-fashioned things you've taken to."
"If there's only one nation in the sky, shouldn't all passports be valid for it?"
A clould of uncertainty came over her face.
"Bapu Gandhi said ---"
"Yes, I know what Bapu Gandhi said." She brought a hand to her forehead. She had a weary look, Mother did. "Good grief," she said.

--- From Life of Pi

Thursday, May 15, 2008

On Agnosticism.

To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of tansportation.

--- From Life of Pi

Sunday, April 13, 2008

With Love from Switzerland.

Standing on Jungfraujoch, surrounded by white, almost all by myself. I felt so overwhelmed, and a little bit scared.

My near-death experience (ok ok I am exaggerating) and my trousers after escaping from the 12-inch deep snow.

Thun - where we stayed for BB's training. The weather was fantastic for a few days and behind the hotel was this magnificant Thunersee Lake. I walked along the lakeshore everyday, marvelling at the lake and the grass and the trees and the clouds and the blue sky. It's heaven on earth.

My virgin "lunch by myself" experience - I have this notion that it is sad to be eating a meal by yourself (a quick coffee at Starbucks is OK; lunch in Cafe de Coral is no; dinner at Spoon is miserable beyond description). However, since BB was in training while I travelled to Emmental, and I was desperate to try out their local restaurant menu containing (what else but) emmental cheese, I had no choice but to find myself telling the waitress "table for one please".

The verdict - it wasn't too bad, as long as you have a book that you can pretend to read. And the cheese and vegetables rosti was yummy but extremely filling (I only managed to finish 1/3 of it).

Wednesday, April 09, 2008





When I was sitting on the seat at Platform 2 of the Thun railway station, my soon-to-be-completely abandoned itinerary was simple enough – I would go to Interlaken, take a quick stroll around the lake, maybe grab a sandwich to eat, then get back on the train and go to another town. Today would be my town-hopping day, the best thing to do to make my 5-day Rail Pass worth its money.

I know Jungfrau lies within the Interlaken region, but I never really thought about going there. For some inexplicable reasons (lack of research obviously), I was under the assumption that you need to have an oxygen mask (wrong) and full ski equipment (wrong) to embark on this freezing (oh yes) journey to climb the 4,158m high mountain, “Top of Europe” as it is dubbed, and my high street outfit (flimsy Zara turtle-neck wool top, worn-out fleece jacket, jeans and sneakers) is neither convincing or appropriate. How wrong was I.

On the train to Interlaken Ost, I consulted with my colorful DK travel guide, and to my surprise discovered that there are rack railway services that take you all the way from Interlaken to Jungfraujock, the icy saddle that lies just below the Jungfrau summit. And after a few railway changes, I found myself standing, still in my Zara top and jeans, 3,454m above sea level, out in the open, surround by a sea of pure dazzling white snow, breathing the very thin air that is left, freezing but overjoyed. Overjoyed because of the unexpectedness of the whole thing; I was genuinely pleasantly surprised.

However, as I was taking pictures with my numb fingers (good), making snowballs (oh so good) and later on accidentally stepping into the 2-feet deep snow and having a hard time pulling myself of the cold and wet (still good), a sense of sadness suddenly rushed to me. I felt incredibly lonely. Moments like this are meant to be shared with your loved ones, and mine happens to be stuck in the conference room back in Thun, three hours away and 3,454 meters below me. The fact that I was all alone on the snow mountain (the only other human being in sight is a staff member, with his working husky) was of little help.

During the past few days, BB and I have been talking about our many “first times” that happened in this trip – those shared moments (very often silly ones) that lovers cherish so much that they put them in a special compartment in their heart the key to which belong to the other person, and that many years after they can easily recall, reminisce and laugh about them. Today could have easily found its way straight to that special compartment, if only BB were with me.

Standing at the Top of Europe with my snowball, I missed BB I have never missed him before.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

South to North.

BB and I are going to Switzerland this Friday. He is attending a training programme in Thun, and being such a good wife, of course I would tag along to *ahem* make sure he is well taken care of during his stay, thank you very much.

Too bad there's not much (shopping) to do in Thun, but at least it is close to Emmental, hometown to the famous cheese. I will come back another size bigger for sure. Bad news for BB.

While I am getting ready for my 3rd trip in two months, I now have a bit of time to sort through the Sydney photos. Once again, food photos have taken up more than half of the album. And you wonder why I am getting happier (read: fatter) each day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008



我:[額角開始冒汗] ...嗯,但係我唔想剪得太短喎,一定要過膊頭,等我紮到馬尾呀。




故事教訓 -- 對住陌生人,要懂得說“不”!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008




Tuesday, March 25, 2008


*從法國出差回來後,沮喪不已。學了幾個月的法文,到頭來只懂說“bon jour”跟“merci”。難道我的(少少)語言天分,真的自十四歲後便離我而去了? 抑或我該怪責我那個沒有耐性/時間把我作育成才的老公?



*星期六,我會開始去Hong Kong Dog Rescue做義工。從沒想過,一向愛貓的我,會去一個狗中心幫忙。但我曾經在回家途中,看着同一條路邊,由只有幾頭母狗變成幾頭大狗加一堆小狗,我的心難過極了。 我希望能為流浪狗狗盡一點力。

*伯伯告訴我,今期The Post Magazine有關於北京人吃貓的報道,圖文並茂。我驚到整本Magazine碰都不敢碰。


*很想問但不敢問 -- 多久才算久?7個月?一年?抑或3年?8年?抑或只要一切“在心中”,時間長短便不再是問題?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

From today's Apple Daily.

I cannot agree more.


陶 傑 短 評 ︰ 拯 救 遺 棄 動 物

柴 灣 青 童 十 惡 , 虐 殺 小 貓 棍 棒 交 加 , 十 惡 中 最 年 少 者 , 是 十 三 歲 女 童 。 在 被 街 上 捕 獲 時 , 猶 自 嘻 笑 喧 嘩 。 治 亂 世 , 懲 暴 民 , 柴 灣 十 惡 , 都 是 青 少 年 , 是 董 曾 治 下 長 大 的 一 代 , 殺 貓 慘 案 , 四 日 三 宗 , 因 為 特 區 育 失 敗 , 親 美 崇 洋 , 胡 亂 抄 襲 英 美 「 自 由 育 」 , 尤 禁 止 家 長 師 體 罰 學 童 , 指 體 罰 會 令 兒 童 「 留 下 心 理 陰 影 」 。 柴 灣 虐 貓 十 惡 , 即 成 長 在 沒 有 體 罰 的 「 自 由 育 新 世 代 」 。 這 十 大 奸 惡 , 小 時 就 是 欠 打 , 方 始 驕 縱 成 魔 。 今 日 無 端 虐 殺 小 貓 , 明 日 就 是 開 膛 割 腹 的 雨 夜 連 環 殺 手 , 請 有 心 人 明 查 暗 訪 , 網 上 公 佈 十 惡 的 照 片 姓 名 , 令 全 港 市 民 長 期 警 惕 。 今 日 香 港 , 加 重 對 虐 殺 貓 狗 的 刑 懲 , 比 甚 麼 立 法 禁 止 體 罰 兒 童 更 重 要 。 元 朗 白 沙 村 , 有 一 所 保 護 遺 棄 動 物 的 慈 善 之 家 , 市 民 只 須 每 月 寄 去 少 量 金 錢 , 即 可 領 養 遺 棄 的 貓 狗 , 善 款 可 以 扣 稅 , 比 起 交 稅 養 庸 官 更 有 意 義 , 查 詢 電 話 二 八 三 八 ○ 六 三 三 , 為 了 香 港 的 未 來 , 愛 遺 棄 的 動 物 , 多 積 陰 德 吧 。

Friday, March 07, 2008

歡樂的時光過得特別快 --- 悉尼。





Wednesday, February 27, 2008







Tuesday, February 19, 2008

DBJ, aged 3 to 17.

Last Saturday, my old school hosted its 60th anniversary dinner at the Intercontinental Hotel. Donald Tsang, our Chief Executive, was the Guest of Honor. I had to give this special event a miss since I had prior engagements, but my good friend C, who went to the dinner, passed on to me the cutest party favour ever. "Since you had been in every single one of these uniforms, you should have it." She said. C only attended my old school from Form 1 to Form 7.

From left to right on the picture: Summer kindergarten, winter kindergarten, summer primary, winter primary, summer secondary, winter secondary.

Oh yeah, I spent my kindergarten / primary school / secondary school / A-level years in the same little corner in Kowloon Tong. Looking at these key chains, all those sweet memories came rushing to my head.

Friday, February 15, 2008








Thursday, February 14, 2008

The sweetest Valentine's message

My mobile phone just blinked and this message popped up:

"His gracious love and mercy grows to depths and heights that no man knows. That gracious love and mercy shall be always, forever binding you and me. Happy Valentine! P"

Happy Valentine's Day to you too, P. I wish Stockholm is bringing you sunshine today.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Clafoutis [kla-foo-tee].

I want to make this. Am thinking pears or strawberries instead.

Thursday, January 31, 2008









除了這一件事 -- 有一天,嫲嫲生病了。家裏本來特地準備了些餅乾,準備給她在吃葯前吃的,但嗜食(所以胖)的我,把所有餅乾都吃掉。那晚半夜,嫲嫲不舒服,很想吃餅乾,叫我去便利店幫她買。其實當時我知道她是非常需要吃些東西的,否則她這麽疼我,不會半夜三更都要求我去買。但我怕黑,又怕鬼,怎樣都不肯去。那個夜裏,嫲嫲最後什麽沒有吃。





可能現在一眾娛樂圈受害人最希望的,是把觀衆的集體回憶delete掉,就像在“Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind”裏,Joel把有關Clementine的記憶洗掉一樣。裸照?什麽裸照?!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008




早幾天,經過一整天的email轟炸、電話會議、草稿文件、跟進這跟進那之後,放工時分人已虛脫,腦袋一片空白。連平常坐小巴回家途中最愛做的事 --- 發白日夢 --- 都不想了。眼只是漫無目的地望住窗口外的已經變暗的風景。從IPod傳到耳裏,重複又重複的,是這首歌:


Monday, January 21, 2008



--- 馬太福音7章7-8節

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Portishead - Roads

From Dummy, their debut album.


(Since I learned how to upload video clips to the blog, I have been having so much fun doing it. But you already know that don't you.)


爸爸給我弄的蘭花 -- 他自己買花,買花盆,買泥,自己砌。




Jasmine's interview on RTHK.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008


“如果你有能力去照顧其他人的話,已經係福氣。” --- CK

“這恩典是 神用諸般智慧聰明、充充足足賞給我們的、都是照他自己所豫定的美意、叫我們知道他旨意的奧秘、要照所安排的、在日期滿足的時候、使天上地上一切所有的、都在基督裡面同歸於一。” --- 以弗所書1章8-10節


Battlestar Galactica - 由Season 1頭兩集被伯伯半強逼下收看(家裏只有一部電視機),到現在Season 2 尾聲看得欲罷不能,一個字:Apollo (嘩,靚仔到吖)。鐵定星期四(C小姐借我DVD之日)開始煲Season 3 。之後問題來了:美國3月才播Season 4,幾時等得到出DVD?哎呀,要吊癮添。

Huff - 多得C小姐的介紹,現正看Season 1。不算大路的劇集,但看下去又覺得挺有趣。但在美國只播了兩個Season便停止production,很可惜。


Updated: 差點忘記現在美國編劇大霸工,3月播唔播到BSG都成問題。Oh no!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Jasmine's photography exhibition @ InnoCentre, Kowloon Tong.

The opening ceremony went very well, thanks to everybody's help. And on behalf of Home Care for Girls, thank you for your kind support and donation. (I know some of my friends have contacted the organisation and made a donation.)

As I was the MC of the event, I didn't take any pictures. The ones posted above were taken by BB.

Jasmine attracted quite a lot of media coverage, like ATV news, Sing Tao Daily and SCMP. RTHK will do a programme about Jas and this event, and I think it will be broadcasted on 16th January. Watch out!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008


除夕夜,我與伯伯,跟老爺奶奶和爸爸媽媽(對,我們6人,under the same roof)在家中火鍋渡新年。先吃火鍋,再吃雪糕火鍋 (ice-cream fondue)。




媽:(笑)“痴綫啦,LuLu鬼識同你講嘢咩!”(儘管如是説,媽仍然會叫LuLu過來,把電話筒放在牠耳朵旁,然後我便會好像癲婆般,對着電話叫“LuLu!! LuLu!!”)

有時候,爸媽跟兒女講電話,内容還是其次,聽到兒女聲音才是重點。(想起匯豐(?)早年伯伯婆婆食麵的廣告 -- “不是為了食碗面,是爲了見你一面呀。”)


Tuesday, January 01, 2008



1)多點親近神,多點信任神。多做些事奉工作,最好與伯伯一起做多些couple's ministry work。更主動地傳福音。