Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wedding and all things related.

Hi, it's BB again.

We've just come back from a wedding banquet. One of my ex-colleagues. It must be the first time (apart from my own wedding!) that I've sat so close to the head table. Normally, as any HK wedding banquet goer will know, colleagues and "other friends" are relegated to sitting on table 37 right at the back corner of the venue, probably by some loudspeakers in the corner. Tonight we were lucky. And the table seating plan was good. All were ex-colleagues (or spouses) and it was great to catch up with good friends. (Whilst we love to moan about our old law firm, there's no doubt that our time in private practice has forged some good friendships which continue long after we left). We must be getting old though. The suggestion of going for drinks after the banquet had a lukewarm response and I think a number of us were secretly relieved to grab a taxi back home rather than try our luck queuing at some nightspot in Soho/Lan Kwai. The groom was one of the last remaining bachelors in our circle of ex-colleagues and, now that he has settled down with his true love, it means no more stag nights for a long time :-(


This week has flown by. It is with a sigh of relief that we managed to sell our old flat. The intention had been that we would be able to sell our old place and move into the marital home at the same time. Wishful thinking! 9 painful months later of carrying two mortgages and we can now breathe easier. [Note from DBJ: that means BB no longer has any excuse not take me to all those new posh restaurants!]

[Note #2 from DBJ: BB has not forgotten to write about our dinner at Spoon. But being a perfectionist, he has to draft the post, revise it, revise it some more, proof-read, and proof-read some more before he can post it on-line. He has started drafting, so please expect to see it in a couple of months' time. Stay tuned.]