I'm lovin' it!
Remember I wrote about how much I wanted the Anya Hindmarch bag?
Well, it is sitting in my living room right now. I think BB was quite bemused about my over-excitement over this bag ("it must be a girl thing", he said). But little did he know. I had been looking for a chic non-leather bag for some time now (I want to be more animal-friendly, earth-friendly), but for the longest time I couldn't find anything I liked (even when I was ready to pay for an expensive one). That's until I lay eyes on the AH bag in Vogue magazine (the fact that it costs GBP5 is a seriously favourable factor too).
One little tiny problem: the bag was of limited edition, and on sale in the UK only (the Japanese and US version will be launched this summer). Here's when BB's mother came into play. Living in London, BBM was so kind as to go to Sainsbury at 5.45am, and queue for 2 hours until the shop opened at 8am, to buy the bag for me. I felt so very touched, and so very guilty at the same time, when she told me that mission was accomplished. *sniff* I genuinely didn't expect that it would involve so much effort and hassle in getting the bag, otherwise I wouldn't have asked BBM in the first place. What can I say? I have the sweetest mother-in-law who loves me so much.
So this is more than just a bag. This is a bag of statement, and a bag of love.