Friday, July 20, 2007

The truth is always hard to take.

BB and I have joined a new care group at church, and tonight is our first official bible study / fellowship meeting.

Like most bible study groups, we need to prepare for the meeting by reading some materials relevant to the topic of discussion, and tonight's topic is about marriage life. So, this morning I was reading this chapter which talks about "honouring your uniqueness". The chapter contains discussion of spiritual principles as well as some questions for us to answer, and it was when I was answering one of the questions that the truth suddenly dawned on me:

"What is your G.Q. (gratefulness quotient) concerning your talents and abilities? Write Yes or No in each blank below.

_____ I can think of at least two talents I have.
_____ I often thank God for the abilities He has given me.
_____ I ......


I froze after reading the first statement. "Two talents"? I scratched my head for 5 minutes, went to the loo (people think most clearly when in toilets), came back, stared at the questions again for another 5 and my head was still blank.


P.S. It's been 6 hours since I first read the question, and I still cannot think of one single talent that I have. Sigh.