Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
9:32 pm
random thoughts
Another reason why I like Natalie Portman.
How many Hollywood actresses does it take to write something like this?
Answer: One, if you are Natalie Portman.
By the way, Jonathan Safran Foer is one of my favourite young writers too.
Jonathan Safran Foer's Eating Animals Turned Me Vegan
Jonathan Safran Foer's book Eating Animals changed me from a twenty-year vegetarian to a vegan activist. I've always been shy about being critical of others' choices because I hate when people do that to me. I'm often interrogated about being vegetarian (e.g., "What if you find out that carrots feel pain, too? Then what'll you eat?").
I've also been afraid to feel as if I know better than someone else -- a historically dangerous stance (I'm often reminded that "Hitler was a vegetarian, too, you know"). But this book reminded me that some things are just wrong. Perhaps others disagree with me that animals have personalities, but the highly documented torture of animals is unacceptable, and the human cost Foer describes in his book, of which I was previously unaware, is universally compelling.
The human cost of factory farming -- both the compromised welfare of slaughterhouse workers and, even more, the environmental effects of the mass production of animals -- is staggering. Foer details the copious amounts of pig shit sprayed into the air that result in great spikes in human respiratory ailments, the development of new bacterial strains due to overuse of antibiotics on farmed animals, and the origins of the swine flu epidemic, whose story has gripped the nation, in factory farms.
I read the chapter on animal shit aloud to two friends -- one is from Iowa and has asthma and the other is a North Carolinian who couldn't eat fish from her local river because animal waste had been dumped in it as described in the book. They had never truly thought about the connection between their environmental conditions and their food. The story of the mass farming of animals had more impact on them when they realized it had ruined their own backyards.
But what Foer most bravely details is how eating animal pollutes not only our backyards, but also our beliefs. He reminds us that our food is symbolic of what we believe in, and that eating is how we demonstrate to ourselves and to others our beliefs: Catholics take communion -- in which food and drink represent body and blood. Jews use salty water on Passover to remind them of the slaves' bitter tears. And on Thanksgiving, Americans use succotash and slaughter to tell our own creation myth -- how the Pilgrims learned from Native Americans to harvest this land and make it their own.
And as we use food to impart our beliefs to our children, the point from which Foer lifts off, what stories do we want to tell our children through their food?
I remember in college, a professor asked our class to consider what our grandchildren would look back on as being backward behavior or thinking in our generation, the way we are shocked by the kind of misogyny, racism, and sexism we know was commonplace in our grandparents' world. He urged us to use this principle to examine the behaviors in our lives and our societies that we should be a part of changing. Factory farming of animals will be one of the things we look back on as a relic of a less-evolved age.
I say that Foer's ethical charge against animal eating is brave because not only is it unpopular, it has also been characterized as unmanly, inconsiderate, and juvenile. But he reminds us that being a man, and a human, takes more thought than just "This is tasty, and that's why I do it." He posits that consideration, as promoted by Michael Pollan in The Omnivore's Dilemma, which has more to do with being polite to your tablemates than sticking to your own ideals, would be absurd if applied to any other belief (e.g., I don't believe in rape, but if it's what it takes to please my dinner hosts, then so be it).
But Foer makes his most impactful gesture as a peacemaker, when he unites the two sides of the animal eating debate in their reasoning. Both sides argue: We are not them. Those who refrain from eating animals argue: We don't have to go through what they go through -- we are not them. We are capable of making distinctions between what to eat and what not to eat (Americans eat cow but not dog, Hindus eat chicken but not cow, etc.). We are capable of considering others' minds and others' pain. We are not them. Whereas those who justify eating animals say the same thing: We are not them. They do not merit the same value of being as us. They are not us.
And so Foer shows us, through Eating Animals, that we are all thinking along the same lines: We are not them. But, he urges, how will we define who we are?
9:12 pm
quote and unquote
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
District 9.
"If they were from another country, I could understand, but they're not even from this planet."
--- a human resident on why human cannot tolerate the aliens
The movie is disturbing on so many levels, and that's why I like it so much.
3:35 pm
play hard,
quote and unquote
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Jane: Oh, come on. You are not telling me you believe she's an actual witch.
Cho: No, of course not. But I mean if dark force did exist, it stands to reason there could be people who control them for their own ends.
Jane: They're called investment bankers.
--- The Mentalist, episode 12 (US air date: 13 January 2009)
3:58 pm
quote and unquote
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
On bravery.
BB and I went on a boat trip yesterday with some friends in Sai Kung, and I came back with a not-so-nice tan, a floating feeling which lasted for the rest of the evening and a silly sense of accomplishment.
While lounging on the top deck of the junk, I, who have always been a bit intimidated by the vast and bottomless water and never a good swimmer, was encouraged by my friend A to jump off the top deck into the sea. After hesitating for 5 minutes - mentally calculating the height of the deck and the depth of the sea, wondering how much my butt would hurt if I hit the water the wrong way, and struggling if I should squeeze my nose to prevent water from rushing into the nostrils - I summoned enough courage and just let myself go, and it felt great (and no, it didn't hurt at all; and yes, I squeezed my nose but still water managed to rush into the nostrils).
It's the good 5-minute hesitation that got me thinking.
Since when did we get so scared of everything? I had bungee jumped in my younger years, I was a fan of all kinds of roller coaster rides (my favourite was the free falls), and I used to love those dodgy street foods. But now I cannot walk a block of street without looking up to check if anything is falling from above (like acid bottles, or even worse, air-conditioners) and aiming at my head.
My bravery is diminished by age - and the wisdom and experience that comes with it.
But sometimes, taking the plunge is fun, which is what life should be, most of the time anyway.
9:30 pm
play hard,
random thoughts,
Friday, July 17, 2009
Do Re Mi Fa.
I am obviously running out of things to post. So cats it has to be.
11:35 am
Fluffy friends,
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Vicky Cristina Barcelona.
I don't know why I waited so long to see this.

I love Rebecca Hall as Vicky. She is beautiful in a grown-up, sophisticated way, and a very good actress too. It's a shame all the movie promotions focused only on Penelope Cruz and Scarlett Johansson, brushing aside the girl whose name actually comes first in the movie title.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
is my brain. Hence you have not seen me here lately. The usual (non-)reasons -- work is getting crazy; my "Adam's Family" (a term employed by BB to describe his family-in-law...) is growing in number (with niece #2 coming in mid July); the 7th season of 24 was hugely disappointing; Generation Kill was as enjoyable as The Wire; the cats are naughty as ever; the weather is making me down; The Last Station is not anywhere close to showing AND the filming of The Details has stopped AND Wanted 2 may not be what it should be (triple whammy for all JM fans out there); I had to miss the 1st July demonstration; the dress that I have altered specifically for a wedding this Saturday has "mysteriously shrunken"; the deadline for the French course that I want to apply for is approaching and I have done zilch about it......
Well, just the usual chaos of life.
In troubling times such as these, one should always go back to the things that can cheer one up.
4:38 pm
random thoughts
Friday, June 19, 2009
Whoever does this should burn in hell.
19/6/2009 星島日報 報道
12:58 pm
quote and unquote
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
--- 黎智英
2:29 pm
quote and unquote
Monday, June 01, 2009
However forgetful a person is, there are always days, moments, or even a fraction of a moment, that he can never erase from his head. Like bad scars, they are here to stay.
I remember, like it was yesterday, the times back when I was a kid, how my mum would hit me with a rattan when I misbehaved. She would hit me so hard I could see drops of sweat on her face. I didn't know better then, but now I do - it pains me physically when the rattan lands on my thigh, but it pains her heart when she has to whip the rattan on her little girl's chubby thigh. It's the ultimate manifestation of a mother's love.
I remember that day, when I was sitting in the back of the car, dad driving and mum in the front. Driving through the tunnel, I caught a glimpse of myself through the side window of the car, and I saw this sad, soul-less, sunken-cheeked face. Parents collecting their heartbroken daughter home.
I remember that look on his face, even though it lasted for only a split second, that look of indifference, like he didn't care if I was alive or dead. I was disgusted with myself for sinking so low for someone who didn't even give a shit about me. At that moment, I swore I would always, always love myself, no matter what.
I remember every moment of those 10 days in the otherwise ordinary month of May, 2007. Death is inevitable, but God is always in control.
I remember what happened in the early hours of 4 June, 1989.
When you, with all the amazing capacity of a brain, cannot recall a happy moment in your life, you know you either have an extremely miserable life, or that it's time for chocolate icecream. I am going to the fridge now.
2:55 pm
random thoughts
Monday, May 11, 2009
Friday, May 08, 2009
AJ Jacobs.
This man wrote a book called The Year of Living Biblically: One Man's Humble Quest to follow the Bible as Literally as Possible, in which he documented - yeah you guessed right - the year when he lived his life by following the Bible as literally as possible, including growing a messy beard and not wearing mixed fibre clothes.
And he is no nutcase. He has a good CV. He just happens to be a guy who likes to use himself as an experimental tool.
I came to know about him when I read his other book, The Know-It-All. In this book, he wrote about the year he spent on reading the Encyclopaedia Britannica from A to Z. The book - a bit like his journal and extremely funny and informative - is easily one of my favourites. I haven't read The Year of Living Biblically, but I will get a copy.
His new book, The Guinea Pig Diaries, is coming out September this year.
2:54 pm
my book shelf
Monday, May 04, 2009
"Cassie, his heart will stop at the sight of you, or he doesn't deserve to live."
-- Jane Austen to her sister Cassandra, Becoming Jane (2007)
12:02 pm
quote and unquote
Saturday, May 02, 2009
I am back but too lazy to blog.
so instead of describing my awesome trip to London and my awesome experience at the Apollo Theatre in my awesome seats (yes - "seats" with the plural "s" - I saw it three times, but let's not get into it) seeing the awesomely awesome James McAvoy on stage for 2 hours x3, i thought i should post this:

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
- 假如當初事情這樣發生的話,我會不會比現在快樂?
- 假如那時候我做了這個決定,我的生命會否比現在豐盛?
- 假如當時我選擇跟某某一起,現在的我會是怎樣?
人越大,越發覺要學習的事實在太多。學習處理情緒。學習面對問題。學習包容。學習寬恕。學習避開誘惑。學習照顧別人。學習呼吸。學習放鬆。學習自我約束。學習發掘優點。學習尊重。 學習愛。
有一天你發覺,為免惹來關心/擔心,你開始自我審查,只寫風花雪月,不談個人情感。 你問自己,應否繼續寫下去?
2:10 am
random thoughts
Friday, March 06, 2009
This is for T, who complained about my recent lack of blogging activities.
I haven't updated my blog for a long time, I know. It's not that my life has been so boring that there is nothing to write about (well, maybe it is, but don't tell me), it's just that I've been too lazy / busy to write. Lazy because I've always been. Busy because since three weeks ago, all cat chores (scooping litter, grooming, cleaning, feeding, etc) have been x4.
Pepper (or Siu Sai, as I insist on calling her that)(and no, it's not crude - what is your dirty mind thinking???) is "BB's daughter", since he has always wanted his own cat. I had my doubts as to whether he will make a good cat owner, but he has impressed me - on the first night when SS arrived, BB almost stayed wide awake all night, just to ensure she was settling in ok. In the past I felt that he didn't really appreciate the effort I put into the cats, or why I had to care so much about them as to losing sleep, but now that he's joined the club, we are more in sync in this department. BTW, SS is now recovering from her double surgery (fixing a born eyelid defect and spaying), and we will continued to be stressed out parents until she is 100%.
Hmmm, to avoid turning into one of those people who talk about nothing but their cats/dog/goldfish/children, and to show that I do have a life to live, here's what I could have told you, absent feline:
- I started watching Gossip Girl season one a few weeks ago, but I couldn't stand it. It's too highschool, the story was bad, and the acting worse. And Blake Lively is NOTHING like a 17-year-old.
- Of the drama series that I have watched lately, my favourite is Samantha Who. Christina Applegate is so cute, and almost every piece of outfit on her I would like to see in my own wardrobe.
- Have also watched the River Cottage DVD series. Conclusion - as much as I like to live in the country side and lead a self-sustaining lifestyle, I need a grocery store. I am scare of the worms and insects that crawl out of the crops soil, and I cannot eat any farm animals that I raise. How can you name your pig Martha, your chicken Clive, your sheep Molly, feed them and play with them (and see them give birth to little Marthas and Clives and Mollys), only to chop them into 100 pieces two months later?
- Also, thanks to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, I am officially done with sausages.
- Have read In Between the Sheets - a bit disappointed. Amsterdam is a lot better.
- Had lunch today with a primary/secondary classmate whom I have lost contact for over 15 years, only reconnected lately through Facebook. Feels kind of weird, but in a nice, yeah-I-would-love-to-continue-to-see-her kind of way.
- My latest movie favourite: Revolutionary Road. I thought I should like Slumdog Millionnaire more, but for some reasons I am really drawn to the pain and suffering of the characters in the Winslet/DiCaprio collaboration. Am now reading the novel, by Richard Yates.
- Saw Murder in San Jose, and totally enjoyed it. Sunday is Lisa Ono.
- Have spend over 2 hours this evening going through the HK Film Festival Programme. Personal must see: Genova, I've Loved You So Long, and Wendy and Lucy. Quite interested in Machan too.
- A recent trip to CitySuper tells me that a Happy Meal (cooking with organic and free range (hence happy) ingredients) is roughly three times more costly than an Unhappy One. Time to venture out of the high-end supermarkets. Where can I buy organic happy ingredients more cheaply?
10:50 pm
Fluffy friends,
play hard
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Something to kick the PMS out of me.
From I can has cheezburger.
5:39 pm
Fluffy friends,
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Could you NOT pray for me?
"We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22b)
I guess this is one of the hardships. I was deeply troubled by this article, and confused too. Since when praying became so offensive and obnoxious that a simple offer of prayer could cost a nurse her job? It seems that life of modern-day Christians is not much easier than it was for Paul and his fellow brothers back then, even for those of us who live in countries where freedom of religion is exercised.
As days rolled on, many people responded to the incident.
11:17 pm
random thoughts
Thursday, January 08, 2009
You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.
《中東現場》--- 張翠容
極力推介張翠容這本書。 買了很久,一直擱在書架上。前兩天終於開始讀,才後悔這些日子以來,居然讓它孤零零的呆在一旁,沒有早點細讀。一拿上手,便很難放下。
1:09 pm
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