Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
寧波湯圓,在豫園裏。還可以吧。但在香港要吃到比它好味的湯圓,不難。 坐了飛機的奇華月餅。
熱烈推介 - 朋友的朋友開的日本餐廳Haiku(桃江路28號乙,電話021 6445 0021)。非常高水準的加洲日本菜。Must try -- 各種各類的卷物(rolls)。未來還可能會在浦東開分店,可想而知餐廳有多成功。
Friday, September 21, 2007
White Lotus Paste, Creamy Egg Custard or Green Tea?
Just finished three mini moon-cakes, all by myself. (BB has yet to fully appreciate the beauty of this heavenly festive food.)
My body is now full of sugar and carbohydrates, and though I am not proud of it, I am determined not to let my South Beach Diet stand between me and my moon-cakes. After all, Mid-Autumn Festival only comes once a year.
BB and I will be in Shanghai in the next few days. Wonder if the moon there will be fuller and brighter?
Thursday, September 20, 2007
1) 越來越抗拒現代流行樂壇(什麽是Krusty?是蘋果批嗎?爲何張繼聰的化妝要像僵屍般厚,還要戴副恐怖淺啡con?),覺得不知所謂。喜歡聼舊歌。(你聼過“別在下雨天偷偷的哭泣”嗎?張克帆的歌,很動聽。還有“一首傷心的歌”,黃韻玲的作品。)
2) 很想重看“仙樂瓢瓢處處聞”。
3) 覺得中秋一定要吃月餅,最好玩埋楊桃燈籠。(我已幾年沒有吃月餅了。)
4) 開始喜歡跟長輩相處,即是真心喜歡那種,不是只爲了尊敬老人家而已。喜歡聼他們說舊時。他們的故事,比“歲月風雲”精彩百倍(雖然我一集都沒看過)。
5) 已經追不上亦不想再追電腦新科技了(枉我以前還是IT律師,真丟臉)。懂得玩FaceBook已是我的極限。(什麽是Web 2.1?還有Web 3.0?)
6) 想陪媽媽看大戲。篤篤撐果D。
3:05 pm
random thoughts
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Outrageous Joy.
Remember some days ago I wrote about the best sermon I have ever been preached? Well, you can listen to it too! The title is "Outrageous Joy".
Monday, September 17, 2007
- 昨晚去了大學舊友的婚宴。碰上不少久沒聯絡的同學,其中一個在年底會去競選區議會!!(“我近排好忙,要做好多地區工作呀,免費法律咨詢呀,義工呀,咁囉”)。令我這個只有3粒腦細胞,發夢想做收銀員啊戲院帶位啊(其實最好什麽都不做,日日夜夜在家吃薯片看電視)的師奶有點面紅羞愧。
- 十月要去巴黎公幹。爲什麽每個人一聽到“巴黎”就覺得這趟差一定會出得很愉快呢?我要坐13小時經濟客位喎!我8日要對住我個癲狂症客戶喎!可能一啲shopping時間都冇喎!出差從來都是慘絕人寰的活動。
- 好友訂婚了。問我,如果在澳門舉行婚宴,朋友會否嫌遠而拒絕出席?其實,如果你的朋友真的純粹爲了“路途遙遠”這個理由而不出席/勉為其難地出席你的婚禮,他還是你的朋友嗎?真正的朋友是,就算你在阿拉斯加擺酒,他都會穿上17件羽絨,歡天喜地的坐上38小時飛機,去。不為什麽,只是想分享你幸福快樂的一刻。
- 在看E.M. Forster的Where Angels Fear to Tread。以前的淑女連踏單車都被嫌粗魯低俗。好慘。(最慘還是冇薯片冇Coke Zero!)
- 昨天發現我其中一個舊同學,原來一直有看我的blog,粉絲也。一直以爲看我寫的只有小貓數隻,原來還有人不計較我笨拙的文筆,定時會到這裡來,只爲了看看關於我的一些事。這種關心,令我心頭暖暖的。我當初寫,是爲了與朋友們維持連繫(縱然是單向的),現在,目的似是達到了。
3:36 pm
random thoughts
Friday, September 14, 2007
For One More Day.
A great story is a story that goes right to your heart.
I love For One More Day, not because it makes me cry (oh boy how it made me cry!), but because it is about family love. As I was reading this book, I thought of my own parents.
Just like all the other books written by Mitch Albom, For One More Day is easy-to-read with a great theme.
Just don't read it in your office. People will wonder why you go all teary-eyed and sniffing and blowing your nose the whole afternoon....
5:30 pm
my book shelf
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
環境要舒適 --- 椅子坐得舒服,枱與枱之間一定要有足夠空間,我不要聼鄰枱客人的是非八卦或肺腑心事。燈光不要太強,也不要太暗(除非你是跟人偷情)。我要的是舒服,是否用了三千萬豪裝我不管;況且羊毛出自羊身上,這三千萬,是你跟我都有份貢獻的。
食物要好味 --- 新鮮的食物,通常都不會難吃得到哪裏。但除此之外,“好不好吃”其實是很主觀的感受,亦受很多因素影響。拍拖時候,吃什麽也特別好味;相反亦然。亦正如我覺得我爸煮的餸是全世界最美味的。
吃飯的同伴 --- 這便是上段說的“很多因素”其中一個。跟好朋友吃飯,聚聚舊,說說新,讓腦袋暫時放下工作的煩惱,盡情做自己。若是跟相識超過1/4世紀的老朋友吃飯,更妙,就像跟家人吃飯一樣,什麽事也可說,什麽事也可不說,反正說的不說的其實對方都知道了。
只想說,昨晚與好友A在和宴吃的晚餐,是令人吃得快樂的一頓飯。 (本來應是我請客慶祝你生日的,但最後竟是你結帳!謝謝喲。)(還有,那個鹽味雪糕,我還念念不忘。)
12:32 pm
random thoughts
Monday, September 10, 2007
I wish you enough.
A friend of mine forwarded to me a meaningful story:
Recently I overheard a mother and daughter in their last moments together at the airport. They had announced the departure. Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the mother said, "I love you and I wish you enough". The daughter replied, "Mom, our life together has been more than enough. Your love is all I ever needed. I wish you enough, too, Mom". They kissed and the daughter left.
The mother walked over to the window where I was seated. Standing there I could see she wanted and needed to cry. I tried not to intrude on her privacy but she welcomed me in by asking, "Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?".
Yes, I have," I replied. "Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?".
"I am old and she lives so far away. I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral," she said.
"When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish you enough'. May I ask what that means?".
She began to smile. "That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations. My parents used to say it to everyone". She paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail and she smiled even more. "When we said , 'I wish you enough', we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them". Then turning toward me, she shared the following as if she were reciting it from memory.
I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.
I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger.
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.
I guess this echoes my earlier post about Joy. Hope you can rejoice in all circumstances, good or bad. And always count your blessings.
5:30 pm
quote and unquote
Happiness is the feeling of pleasure driven by circumstances. (e.g. I am happy because I have a job promotion.)
Joy is the feeling of pleasure beyond/in spite of circumstances - it is a conscious decision to be cheerful no matter what. (e.g. I am joyful even though I am very stressed at work.)
Are you happy or are you joyful?
Yesterday's sermon was one of the best sermons I have ever listened to. Will post the link here when it is available.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
死啦,莫非個腦平時冇乜點用(主要是用來諗吓今晚去邊度吃飯呀,整porcini mushroom salad好定avocado & tuna salad好呀,如果我今個禮拜個飯局唔食甜品可能會再瘦D呀,如果伯伯激嬲我呢就將佢D星球大戰珍藏公仔擺上eBay賣晒佢嘩重唔慘絕人寰嘿嘿,之類之類的事宜),D腦細胞罷工游走晒,依家一開turbo便燒摩打?
或者我應該做份再輕鬆一點的工。不如做收銀。Full-time影印都唔錯。抑或 sitter?
3:20 pm
random thoughts
Monday, September 03, 2007
Big Brother is Watching.
昨天返完教會,一大堆人(題外話:我們這班弟兄姐妹近年開始返不同的教會,所以很久沒有這麽齊人一起在我們的mother church出現,兼且沒有事先約定,所以特別驚喜)去了見城吃午飯。
席間談到internet security。我們當中有朋友是做internet security,他的工作是要到客戶office裏,安裝一些網絡保安系統,監察客戶員工在電腦上的行爲(有沒有看咸濕網站呀,有沒有把公司機密外洩呀,是不是每天都在上網呀,等等)。朋友到客戶office也要偷偷摸摸,要在公司員工全走了(即是黃昏後),才可以開始工作。
我說:“唓,我公司咁cheap,一定唔識亦唔會俾錢做呢D嘢囉!”。換來恐怖答案:“唔係好貴咋喎。”依咦,會不會我公司都有安裝這些spy software?