Thursday, June 28, 2007
half empty, half full.
I always see my glass half full. Always.
Like, I would say, "Yippee! Today is Thursday already!!", when my husband would go, "Sigh, it's only Thursday." Of course the fact that his job is 100 times more stressful and demanding than mine doesn't help him a lot.
But then again, it's Thursday already! The long weekend is almost around the corner!
Plus we are going to see Shrek 3 tonight!
Life is beautiful after all.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Scottish Folds. Persian. Siamese. Bombay. Chinchilla.
1:12 pm
random thoughts
Quote. Unquote.
"Faith means believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse." ----- Philip Yancey
Monday, June 18, 2007
Planet Earth
Watched the first episode of Planet Earth with BB last night.
I have always liked the BBC documentaries narrated by Sir David Attenborough. It's always entertaining, almost like watching a movie. And because the DVD we bought was a high definition one, the graphics were jaw-droppingly stunning.
I think the review on says it all: "...Planet Earth is quite simply the greatest nature/wildlife series ever produced....Accompanied by majestic orchestral scores by George Fenton, every episode is packed with images so beautiful or so forcefully impressive (and so perfectly photographed by the BBC's tenacious high-definition camera crews) that you'll be rendered speechless by the splendor of it all."
I doubt if anyone who watches this is not touched by the wonders and grandeur of this world (and all things in it). It's as if God was saying to us, "You who do not believe, look at this! Who else is capable of such creation, with such perfect cycle and harmony!"
I always feel closest to God when I watch natural history documentaries.
12:10 pm
play hard,
random thoughts
我媽比我爸好像更爲受落(她甚至跟我弟弟說:“不如你下次跟我哋一起返啦!”),這個我也能理解 --- 她的一個篤信佛教的好朋友去年中風,昏迷了3個多月後奇跡醒來,經過多次手術,現在康復過來,更奇跡地信了主。這對我媽是一個挺大的影響。雖然我爸還有點猶疑,但我自有一套“對付”他的策略:“喂老豆,我哋下星期返完教會之後,我帶你去食好好味漢堡包吖!”“咦,好噃!”感謝神給我一個這麽嗜食的父親。
11:02 am
random thoughts
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett
Did you watch Buffett and Gates Go Back to School yesterday on Pearl?
I was most impressed with Warren Buffett's answers, which were succint and genuine, sometimes humourous, and always inspiring.
Two things he said that I remember particularly - that public speaking is the most important skill/asset that one should acquire, and that the paramount quality a good leader should possess is the ability to bring out the best in people. This is coming from a 77-year-old who has spent a good part of his life running a hugely successful and profitable business, and who is dedicated to "making this world a better place". So, you better listen to what he's got to say!
Two of the world's most powerful and richest people sharing their perspectives on life, work, philanthropy, and everything else - it is a programme too good to miss.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
中午時分,坐在office,大腦開turbo (平時返工都冇咁搏盡),希望藴漾靈感,在這兒寫點什麽。
這可能也是幸福的反映 -- 生活中沒有什麽值得報告的事情,一切如常運作。平淡是福。
(但我工作時真的很勤力嗰喎,又盡責,交功課又快又準(下省3000字...)。 唔信問我老闆吖。)
2:51 pm
random thoughts
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
You could grow a baby in seven months.
(OK you could not, but you know what I mean. Or you don't. Whatever.)
Last week, the long-awaited reprints of our wedding photos were finally ready for pick up. Before we hired Raymond, our wedding photographer, we had been fore-warned about his lack of efficiency when it comes to "post-wedding productions". We went ahead and hired him nevertheless because we were truly impressed with his photography skills and passion.
Anyway. Fast-forward to February this year, 3 months after our wedding, and we had a first look of our wedding pictures (in A3 casting sheets - we had to use a magnifying glass to help us see the pictures clearly). It was worth the wait. Both BB and I were really glad we hired him to shoot us on probably the biggest day in our lives. We quickly went through all the thumb prints and asked him to help us develop some reprints, so that we can send the photos to our friends and relatives.
That was another four months' wait.
Anyway, now we have all the reprints, and very shortly we will be sending the photos and thank-you cards (which are now being printed and will be ready in two weeks) to all our guests. I know some of them have been waiting patiently for our thank you notes (which should according to western custom be sent within a month after getting married)...
It feels great when the last task on your "wedding to-do list" is about to be accomplished :)
後來我們倆都離開了律師行,做了in-house counsel (公司法律顧問)。但依舊保持聯絡。
其實以前我都覺得我思想都算挺成熟的,分析能力也可以。但人大了,認識的人多了,便越發覺跟很多人相比,自己其實不外如是(有時甚至幼稚得很 -- 叫得大笨,可以有幾醒吖?)。 話雖如此,現在E對我投以信任票,我當然也會盡力替她分析,希望協助她做出適當的選擇。臨收綫時,我不忘加一句“I will pray for you.”畢竟到最後,人所知道所掌握到的都有限,只能依靠上帝的大能引領。
11:28 am
random thoughts
Where is God when it Hurts?
I started reading Philip Yancey's "Where is God when it Hurts?" this morning on my way to work. The very first paragraph in Chapter One captured me immediately:
"I feel helpless around people in great pain. Helpless, and also guilty. I stand beside them, watching facial features contort and listening to the sighs and moans, deeply aware of the huge gulf between us. I cannot penetrate their suffering, I can only watch. Whatever I attempt to say seems weak and stiff, as if I'd memorised the lines for a school play."
Philip Yancey is my favourite Christian writer, and for good reasons. He always approaches sensitive and difficult topics from a very practical perspective, with honest sharing of his life experience. He does extensive research - not just in the library or on the Internet for theories and analysis, but by speaking to real people with real issues, which makes his books a lot more human and touching. Reading his books is like a walk in the park, except that you leave the park with a stronger biblical faith without realising it.
10:32 am
random thoughts
Thursday, June 07, 2007
星期二晚,葬禮進行期間,我坐在教堂裏,聼着A的太太,親人,好友忍着眼淚跟我們分享A的生平趣事。我看見安詳地睡在棺木裏的A。我看着一段有關A由兒時到大的photos slide show,包括一張於去年聖誕節大夥兒在我們家開派對時拍下的照片。我忍住淚在台上讀了詩篇121篇。我唱了很多歌頌上帝的聖詩。
那晚,我哭了很多。但同時間,我不斷在想:不知道A現在怎樣?他會不會正在天堂,看着他最愛的DVD,吃着他最愛的Mos Burger,完全不知道我們為他哭?還是他特地從天堂走了下來,坐在我們當中,為我們的傷心而難過?
1:33 pm
random thoughts
Monday, June 04, 2007
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing." --- 2 Timothy 4:7-8
“那美好的仗我已打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了。從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按着公義審判的主到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕他顯現的人。” --- 提摩太後書4章7-8節