Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oh you cute little ring.

I was watching Oliver's Twist tonight on TV. As usual, Sir Oliver was cooking something not particularly yummy-looking, and his weird British accent is still an acquired taste. But tonight he looks different. He is wearing a suit! But it's more than that...

He's wearing a suit AND a wedding ring!!

A decent looking man* in a suit with a wedding ring is passport to charmsville.

Since I got married, I have been increasingly attracted (NOT "romantically attracted", before you married women try to hide your husbands from me) to married men##. That wedding band on his finger represents commitment, responsibility and maturity. And most women, like me, find these qualities attractive.

Now I am beginning to understand why some women only date married men. But what these women do not realise is that if a married man has an affair, it takes all the good qualities away from him, and he is nothing but a b**t**d.

But a married man (again see definition) who loves his wife is a total gem.

BB, this post is dedicated to you. You are the cutest married guy on earth, and I am so glad I am married to you... OK so now where is my Valentine's present?

*Whether or not Jamie Oliver is a decent looking man is beyond the scope of discussion of this post.

**Definition of "married men": decent looking, caring, friendly, family-loving, well-mannered, funny guys who appreciates the finer things of life with promising careers which require the wearing of nice suits and who wear their wedding ring on their 4th finger on their left hand. This definition basically rules out 99.7% of the Hong Kong, or 80% of the global, married male population.