Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
- 假如當初事情這樣發生的話,我會不會比現在快樂?
- 假如那時候我做了這個決定,我的生命會否比現在豐盛?
- 假如當時我選擇跟某某一起,現在的我會是怎樣?
人越大,越發覺要學習的事實在太多。學習處理情緒。學習面對問題。學習包容。學習寬恕。學習避開誘惑。學習照顧別人。學習呼吸。學習放鬆。學習自我約束。學習發掘優點。學習尊重。 學習愛。
有一天你發覺,為免惹來關心/擔心,你開始自我審查,只寫風花雪月,不談個人情感。 你問自己,應否繼續寫下去?
2:10 am
random thoughts
Friday, March 06, 2009
This is for T, who complained about my recent lack of blogging activities.
I haven't updated my blog for a long time, I know. It's not that my life has been so boring that there is nothing to write about (well, maybe it is, but don't tell me), it's just that I've been too lazy / busy to write. Lazy because I've always been. Busy because since three weeks ago, all cat chores (scooping litter, grooming, cleaning, feeding, etc) have been x4.
Pepper (or Siu Sai, as I insist on calling her that)(and no, it's not crude - what is your dirty mind thinking???) is "BB's daughter", since he has always wanted his own cat. I had my doubts as to whether he will make a good cat owner, but he has impressed me - on the first night when SS arrived, BB almost stayed wide awake all night, just to ensure she was settling in ok. In the past I felt that he didn't really appreciate the effort I put into the cats, or why I had to care so much about them as to losing sleep, but now that he's joined the club, we are more in sync in this department. BTW, SS is now recovering from her double surgery (fixing a born eyelid defect and spaying), and we will continued to be stressed out parents until she is 100%.
Hmmm, to avoid turning into one of those people who talk about nothing but their cats/dog/goldfish/children, and to show that I do have a life to live, here's what I could have told you, absent feline:
- I started watching Gossip Girl season one a few weeks ago, but I couldn't stand it. It's too highschool, the story was bad, and the acting worse. And Blake Lively is NOTHING like a 17-year-old.
- Of the drama series that I have watched lately, my favourite is Samantha Who. Christina Applegate is so cute, and almost every piece of outfit on her I would like to see in my own wardrobe.
- Have also watched the River Cottage DVD series. Conclusion - as much as I like to live in the country side and lead a self-sustaining lifestyle, I need a grocery store. I am scare of the worms and insects that crawl out of the crops soil, and I cannot eat any farm animals that I raise. How can you name your pig Martha, your chicken Clive, your sheep Molly, feed them and play with them (and see them give birth to little Marthas and Clives and Mollys), only to chop them into 100 pieces two months later?
- Also, thanks to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, I am officially done with sausages.
- Have read In Between the Sheets - a bit disappointed. Amsterdam is a lot better.
- Had lunch today with a primary/secondary classmate whom I have lost contact for over 15 years, only reconnected lately through Facebook. Feels kind of weird, but in a nice, yeah-I-would-love-to-continue-to-see-her kind of way.
- My latest movie favourite: Revolutionary Road. I thought I should like Slumdog Millionnaire more, but for some reasons I am really drawn to the pain and suffering of the characters in the Winslet/DiCaprio collaboration. Am now reading the novel, by Richard Yates.
- Saw Murder in San Jose, and totally enjoyed it. Sunday is Lisa Ono.
- Have spend over 2 hours this evening going through the HK Film Festival Programme. Personal must see: Genova, I've Loved You So Long, and Wendy and Lucy. Quite interested in Machan too.
- A recent trip to CitySuper tells me that a Happy Meal (cooking with organic and free range (hence happy) ingredients) is roughly three times more costly than an Unhappy One. Time to venture out of the high-end supermarkets. Where can I buy organic happy ingredients more cheaply?
10:50 pm
Fluffy friends,
play hard