Do Re Mi Fa.
I am obviously running out of things to post. So cats it has to be.
I am obviously running out of things to post. So cats it has to be.
11:35 am
Fluffy friends,
I don't know why I waited so long to see this.
is my brain. Hence you have not seen me here lately. The usual (non-)reasons -- work is getting crazy; my "Adam's Family" (a term employed by BB to describe his family-in-law...) is growing in number (with niece #2 coming in mid July); the 7th season of 24 was hugely disappointing; Generation Kill was as enjoyable as The Wire; the cats are naughty as ever; the weather is making me down; The Last Station is not anywhere close to showing AND the filming of The Details has stopped AND Wanted 2 may not be what it should be (triple whammy for all JM fans out there); I had to miss the 1st July demonstration; the dress that I have altered specifically for a wedding this Saturday has "mysteriously shrunken"; the deadline for the French course that I want to apply for is approaching and I have done zilch about it......
Well, just the usual chaos of life.
In troubling times such as these, one should always go back to the things that can cheer one up.
4:38 pm
random thoughts